Category: Clubs & Classes

SaddleBrooke Marketplace Update

Sherry Jackson, RCI Corporate Communications SaddleBrooke residents may be wondering what’s happening with the new 17.4-acre Fry’s Marketplace shopping center at the main entrance to the SaddleBrooke community, on the corner of Eagle Crest Ranch Road and SaddleBrooke Blvd. Well, we’ve got the answers! Fry’s has closed on the land. The site has been graded…

Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony The JFG will be hosting its annual Break Fast after Yom Kippur on Saturday, September 30 at 6:15 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. It will take place in HOA1 Coyote Rooms North and South. (Vermilion Room floor is being replaced.) On the Menu are everyone’s favorites: Lox and bagels, sliced…

Genealogy Club news

Lydia O’Connor The September meeting of the SaddleBrooke Genealogy Club was held at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse in the Coyote Room. Pat Rourke-Spencer, treasurer, filled in for our president. She presented Treasurer and Audit Reports. At our October 5 meeting, Amy Uman made a presentation entitled The Paper Trail of Death, just in time for Halloween. Our…

Finding Neverland


Barbara Wilder and Vicki Cunningham Not all field trips in the SaddleBrooke Photography Club involve traveling a long distance. Recently some of the members visited a local Farmer’s Market in Catalina, just a short drive from our homes. Our Garden, six acres of organic vegetables, fruit and nuts, is located on Stallion Lane just off…

Save the date for the P.E.O. Fashion Show

Sue Hagedon Philanthropic Education Organization’s EP Chapter will again be hosting its annual Fashion Show and Luncheon with musical entertainment on March 9, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. in the ballroom at MountainView complex. Our models will be showcasing Steinmart’s fabulous spring collection for the ladies as well as for the men in our lives. Diane…

Saturday Morning Bridge clinic

Paul Shalita This clinic is a practice and critique session designed for players at intermediate and advanced levels who desire to improve their Bridge. No partner is necessary. No time commitment; come late, leave early. Meet potential new partners. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday mornings at 37901 S. Arroyo Way in…

Freethinkers November program features Alessandra Soler

Alessandra Soler

Rollinde Prager Alessandra Soler will address SaddleBrooke Freethinkers on Sunday, November 19 at 10:00 a.m. at the MountainView Ballroom. Ms. Soler will discuss Privacy and Technology. She will address how technology affects our local police practices, virtual border security and national surveillance issues such as NSA work and internet tracking. Alessandra Soler has been the…

Join the Barbershop Singers

Jerry Gustafson The Canada del Oro Barbershop Chorus of SaddleBrooke meets every Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Agate Room of the HOA2 Arts and Crafts Center, 38725 S MountainView Boulevard. We have been singing in SaddleBrooke since 1998 and now number about 25 singers. We are part of the international Barbershop Harmony Society.…

MountainView Bridge Club news

Ann Kuperberg The MountainView Bridge Club will be meeting at a different location during some sessions in October. Look for us at The Bridge Center of Greater Tucson, 16150 N. Oracle Road next to Claire’s Café. The Tuesday and Friday games will start at 1:00 p.m. as usual. Check the website for game locations each…