Start living large and having more fun. Musicians are desired, all ages, male and female, all instruments plus vocals, to join us happy campers at the Mesquite Clubhouse next to the golf shop every Tuesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for jam sessions. All skill levels invited; add more enjoyment to your retirement, make new…
Category: October 2014
Generals, October 2014
Double Yard Sales
Double your treasure—double your fun! On Saturday, October 25 both SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch will have their annual yard sales so this year you have a double chance of finding those treasures! Yard sales are from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Happy hunting!
Generals, October 2014
Fall Art and Craft Fair
Pat Schifano SaddleBrooke’s Fall Art and Craft Fair will be held Saturday, November 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the MountainView Clubhouse and Patio featuring 100 vendors. Lunch will be available. Ample parking space provided. Bring your winter visitors and your holiday shopping list! Please, service pets only.
Generals, October 2014
Up Close Concert

Anne Movalson We all like to have seats close to the action, be it a concert, lecture, play or athletic game. When you come to the SaddleBrooke Symphony Guild concerts at SaddleBrooke Clubhouse, you are guaranteed a seat near the musicians and a beautiful view of mountains turning pink at sunset. In fact, you may…
Generals, October 2014
Gold Medalist to play in Tucson

Anne Movalson Mention Gold Medals and we think of the Olympics, but Gold Medals are awarded for other achievements and they are no less precious. In 1997 Jon Nakamatsu won the Gold Medal in the Van Cliburn piano competition. He won by playing an electrifying performance of Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto which is considered one of…
Generals, October 2014
SaddleBrooke Triad – October 2014
TRIAD drug drop off program resumes Gary Hammond For over a year now SaddleBrooke TRIAD volunteers have staffed a program for residents to dispose of unused or expired prescription and over the counter drugs at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Substation in the Mini Mart Mall (next to the bank). Over one hundred and twenty pounds…
Generals, October 2014
Rescue Bangles are hot, hot, hot!

Carol Poole Rescue Bangles are flying off the shelf at SaddleBrooke Drug and Tortoise and the Hair, having earned a little more than $400 for the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network. The Network’s mission is to facilitate adoptions, volunteer at shelters and events and fundraise to pay medical and shelter needs. We could not have been…
Generals, October 2014
Did you know?
Gwen Lewis Eight daily habits and how they affect the life expectancy of the average American: 1. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day takes seven to eight years off your life. 2. Having one drink a day actually increases your life expectancy by about a year. But every additional drink per day decreases it…
Generals, October 2014
SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings – October 2014

Thanksgiving Food Bank Nan Nasser SaddleBrooke Community Outreach will once again prepare Thanksgiving food baskets for eligible families in the Oracle area. We expect to assemble 30 baskets for families at Mountain Vista School as well as people at the Mountain Health and Wellness Center also in Oracle. These baskets include a turkey, stuffing, cranberry…
Generals, October 2014
Confused and overwhelmed? Medicare Seminar October 21

Don Jensen Confused and Overwhelmed? A Medicare Seminar will be held October 21; encore presentation if you missed September’s Health Night Out! Medicare Open Enrollment is October 15 to December 7. With 40 Medicare Advantage plans, 11 Medicare Supplement plans (also known as Medigap plans), and 50 prescription drug plans to choose from, how can…