Category: August 2021

I Can’t Draw a Stick Figure!

Karen Brungardt The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is pleased to announce our upcoming I Can’t Draw a Stick Figure class on Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a one-hour break for lunch. This class offers you the chance to see what form of art will suit you. You may not think you…

Stroke-Neurological Support Group

Esta Goldstein It has been a long time since we have had the opportunity to meet and give one another a hug, encouragement, friendship, learn new information, and listen to an informative talk. We’re hoping that we can start up once again, but we need people to help plan, send emails, and work as a team…

Winter Wonderland This Summer at Madaras Gallery

Nina Berghausen Experience Winter Wonderland at Madaras Gallery. Friday, Aug. 20 through Sunday, Sept. 19 is Winter Wonderland this summer at Madaras Gallery. Shop a unique collection of Christmas décor hand-selected by Diana. See our magnificent 10-foot tree on display with hundreds of Southwest ornaments. The gallery is located at 3035 N. Swan and is open…

Loving Yourself May Be the Best Medicine

Suzanne Marlatt Stewart Our emotional health can have a serious effect on our physical health, according to vast scientific literature. Being angry all the time, as well as feeling constantly anxious, can make us susceptible to a variety of illnesses, including stroke, heart disease, and even diabetes. Every day we make choices—what to wear, what…

Allen Kienitz: Raconteur with a Twinkle

Marge Kienitz Allen Kienitz was a kind, encouraging person who always had a story to share and a twinkle in his eye. Fond of wild suspenders that often matched the season, bright tropical shirts in the summer, and a notable sweatshirt collection for the winter, he displayed this sartorial splendor as he carried out daily…

Corn Moon

Christine Reding September is designated as the Native American’s Corn Moon Gathering crookneck squash, pumpkins, nuts and acorn Black Kettle Tribe gathering strawberries generously strewn Grounding of the crusty leaves leaving the earth unadorned Moccasins softly touching the moistened packed dirt The Iroquois hunting the elusive herd of camouflaged deer Armed with a bow and…

Paper Crafters Club Notice

Carolyn McLean The SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters Club is celebrating its 23rd year of meetings. Please join us every month on the second Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. for social time and 1 p.m. for the meeting. We meet in the SaddleBrooke One Arts and Crafts classroom number 4, across from the Gift Shop. We have monthly challenge…

2 Your Health: How Often Should I Get a Massage?

Heidi Overman, LMT #MT-24997 Most of my clients ask me, “How often should I get a massage?” This can be a tough question. Because our bodies have gone through different things (we have all had different levels of exercise, different jobs, and different adventures through the years), what type of bodywork to get and how regularly…

I Joined the Club

Becky Kueker I have always believed in intuition, and never more than on Jan. 19, 2021, a day I will remember forever. Suddenly awake, covered with sweat, tears running down my cheeks; it was 2 a.m. I had dreamed that I had breast cancer and was going to die. It was as if I was standing outside…