Heidi Overman, LMT How does your body feel when you’re playing golf? Golf is a game that challenges your body. You are twisting, flexing, gripping, and extending muscles in ways you don’t normally do. The movements are quick and your muscles need to be able to react without pulling and tweaking while hitting your…
Category: Features
Features, July 2020
MOAA Hosts Flag Day

William Nagy June 14 was Flag Day throughout the United States. To commemorate the day, Catalina Mountains Elks Lodge number 2815 hosted a ceremony to honor the U.S. flag at Vistoso Memorial Chapel in Oro Valley. A history of the flag from Jamestown in the early 17th century to present-day, the 50-star flag was presented…
Features, July 2020
Artist of the Month: Cell Phone a Key Tool for SaddleBrooke Artist

LaVerne Kyriss Howard Cohen started painting in the early 1990s by taking an extension class at the local high school in a Chicago area suburb. “It was a small class and the instructor would walk around as he was coaching students. When a student needed help, the instructor would stop and either talk them through…
Features, July 2020
In Passing

Darlene Bergmeier Marjorie Darlene Eliason Lundstrom Bergmeier of SaddleBrooke and Oro Valley, Ariz., passed away in Lake Oswego, Ore. on Friday, May 29, 2020. For nearly 100 years, she lived an incredible life and leaves behind many friends and family members. A native Nebraskan, Darlene was the daughter of Frank and Nettie Steinmeyer, born on…
Features, July 2020
Dollars and Sense: Reverse Mortgage (Part 5)
The Paseo Financial Group Recently, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau put together a report to examine the reverse mortgage industry. This report concluded that the following groups of seniors were most likely to benefit from obtaining a reverse mortgage: * Those looking to supplement a fixed income in retirement. * Those who need a home…
Features, July 2020
Word of the Month: Yet and Still
David Zapatka Reader Sally Teusch wrote after reading the May column, “I enjoy your column. Thank you. ‘It’s a few more miles yet’ or ‘It’s a few more miles, still.’ Looking forward to it. Warmly, Sally Teusch.” Let’s dive into both words to see where this journey takes us. Yet – adverb ˈyet 1. in addition; besides. 2. on top…
Features, July 2020
The Value of Life

Becky Kueker, SaddleBrooke Resident, National Speaker and Author There has been so much conversation, especially in foreign countries, about the value of the life of a person over 65. What is lacking within us that we can so casually discuss the disposability of the elderly? It is so incredibly sad that there are people out…
Features, July 2020
Wags &; Walkers Donates to PACC Clinic

Marcia Vernon Each year, for more than 10 years, the Wags & Walkers group has spent hundreds of hours picking up and pricing items for the annual “I Don’t Want It” sale. All proceeds from the sale benefit the pets at Pima Animal Care Center (PACC). This year, the group donated four syringe pumps to the…
Features, July 2020
Resident Authors

SaddleBrooke Author’s Emergency Kit for Finding Common Ground Diana Steinke Psychologist and SaddleBrooke author Dr. Andrea Molberg spent her career resolving conflicts, evaluating job candidates, developing leaders, teaching people skills, and helping people get along at work and at home. Never did she think about applying those tools to the political world—until now. Designed to…
Features, July 2020
How to Preserve Your Husband
Joyce Thomas Be careful of your selection Do not choose too young Take only such as have been reared In a good moral atmosphere Some insist on keeping them in a pickle While others keep them in hot water This only makes them sour hard and sometimes bitter Even poor varieties well-sweetened May be made…