Susan P. Miller Susan P Miller, 75, peacefully passed away Saturday, May 30, 2015, in Tucson, Arizona. She is survived by her partner Wally Snyder, father of her children Sidney F. Miller, daughter Susan (Terry) Arrington, son Sidney B. Miller, grandson Tanner (Virginia) Arrington, granddaughter Taryn (Ben) Asmus and many nieces and nephews. Susan was…
Category: Features
Features, July 2015
SaddleBrooke to the rescue

Kitties are safe thanks to SaddleBrooke residents who found them living outside and took the time to get involved. The Pet Rescue Network was called and SaddleBrooke resident Diana Steinke jumped into action by trapping four feral kittens and their mother in May. The mom was sterilized, vaccinated and released because she was too wild…
Features, July 2015
Workout anywhere
Susan Dawson-Cook 110 degree summer temperatures in Tucson tend to incite packed suitcases and hasty departures for cooler climates. Escaping the heat can be rejuvenating, but leaving workout routines behind can lead to a loss of physical conditioning, gain of unwanted pounds and difficulty getting back into the swing of things upon return. Why not…
Features, July 2015
Spotlight on Advertiser – America’s Mattress (formerly Arizona Beds)
Jeff Saunders Researchers have been publishing sleep studies very frequently; there has been a growing concern that humans are achieving a lower quality of sleep than decades past. With our busy work lifestyles, commuting and the invention of everything technically conceivable, we have turned our bedrooms into a local electronic store; with cell phones, laptops,…
Features, July 2015
Artist of the Month – Bill Breman

Jacqueline Cohen From its earliest beginnings photographs have exposed our world, from its minute molecules to its cosmic splendor. Whether film or digital, black and white or vivid color, photographs record history, provoke emotion, peak imagination and connect us in ways no other art form can. Photographer Bill Brennan knows well the impact a single…
Features, July 2015
How Does Your Garden Grow?

Louise Grabell Now that we are in monsoon season, I thought I might mention some drought tolerant plants. Even though we will be experiencing some heavy rainfall, for those who don’t like to be bothered with or worried about a garden, here are some suggestions for plants that will produce flowers with little attention. Even…
Features, July 2015
Ranching in southern Arizona: In memory of Joe Goff part 5
Bob Simpson In spite of the extensive and rugged terrain where animals can hide, about 95% of the annual calf crop is captured during roundup. The remaining 5% that survive become mavericks which he tries to capture later in the year. These animals can become wild and almost impossible to round up. One technique Goff…
Features, July 2015
Looking for a forever home

These pups were once loved but their family could no longer care for them. Unfortunately, the owners didn’t plan for their future so they are homeless. Is there room in your home for a loving, healthy, trained dog? Free to a SaddleBrooke home. Tell your friends! Contact Leslie at the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network –…
Features, July 2015
2 Your Health – What’s the best treatment for lower back pain?
Editors Note: 2 Your Health is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…