Ross Dunfee Enterprise means “readiness to engage in daring or difficult action,” and such was the lot for the crews of the eight colonial and U.S. ships named Enterprise. All Enterprises were participants in conflict, armed and ready for action. The U.S. ships named Enterprise are as follows: * Enterprise (1775-1777), a 70-ton, 22-gun, 50-crew…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Art Sampler Class Set for July 13
Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is pleased to announce its next Art Sampler class on Wednesday, July 13, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Topaz Room in the Arts & Crafts Center at MountainView Country Club. The class time includes one hour for lunch on your own. In this…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Parkinson’s PWR! Moves for Balance Club Save the Date!

The amygdala in your brain is the area that is searching for danger, often without conscious awareness on your part. Once there has been a challenge, accident, near accident, diagnosis, or scare, the amygdala will keep searching for similar situations to try to protect from subsequent repeats. You need to carefully assess the situation with supportive…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Jewish Friendship Group May News and Happenings
Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has had an active and rewarding season. We were able to meet in person for all activities, which allowed new members to join us. On the morning of May 12, Carol Gordon hosted the Ladies’ Coffee. All interested members were able to attend, as the coffee was held…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Women On Our Own (WOOO)

Liz Boyd WOOO is an organization for women who are on their own (single and not in a committed relationship) who want to stay active and enjoy life with friends. We maintain a busy schedule, with activities to suit any interest. The latest is a wine-tasting group, which sponsors wine tastings in members’ homes and…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Swan’s Trunk Show!

Janette Volz After a two-year hiatus because of COVID, the SaddleBrooke Friday Quilters could again enjoy the benefits of in-person program speakers. While a large focus of our club is charity-based, we also place an emphasis on enhancing our skills through educational opportunities. Recently, local textile artist Swan Sheridan shared her many quilts created from…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Art Class Instructor: Renee Pearson
Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild ( offers a wide range of art classes for beginners to experts—right here in the Topaz Room in the Arts & Crafts Center at MountainView clubhouse. Our instructors are remarkably talented, and they love to teach! This month we highlight Renee Pearson who teaches watercolor painting.…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Coin Club Hosts Annual Show
Terry Caldwell and Ken Marich The SaddleBrooke Coin Club (SBCC) held its annual Coin Show at the MountainView clubhouse on April 16 in conjunction with Grandkids Day. A special effort was made to introduce children to learning about coins and collecting. Over three dozen kids filtered among the exhibit tables, and each child received some…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
It’s Not About the Distance!

Linda Lyon Staying true to one of the SaddleBrooke Fly Fishers’ (SBFF) goals to “provide educational opportunities” for membership, SBFF held a casting clinic at the end of May. Although the clinic was open to all club members, five of the six attendees had recently graduated from the SBFF Mentorship Program. SBFF Education Committee Co-Chairs…
Clubs & Classes, June 2022
Suggestions for Movies to Watch This Summer
Are you looking for some meaningful and inspiring films to watch at home this summer? Some of these may also be old friends you’ve seen before that you may want to revisit. The Metaphysical Explorations Club suggests checking out this list of thought-provoking films and documentaries that you can watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or…