Paul Shalita This clinic is a practice and critique session designed for players at intermediate and advanced levels who desire to improve their bridge. No partner is necessary. No time commitment; come late, leave early. Meet potential new partners. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday mornings at 37901 S. Arroyo Way in…
Category: June 2016
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
Ladies Day Out reinforces troop support donations over $5000

On Monday, April 4, 2016, the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse bustled during the annual Ladies Day Out where vendors offered arts, crafts, jewelry and many other items for sale. This year SaddleBrooke Troop Support (STS) was the beneficiary organization of proceeds from ticket and raffle sales. Charlotte James and her HOA1 Events Committee planned and conducted Ladies…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
Catalina Elks honor students
Pat Cox Two outstanding seniors from Pusch Ridge Christian Academy, Cooper Barghols and Cody Cropp, were named winners of the Elks National Foundation’s (ENF) Most Valuable Student Scholarship at a Catalina Mountain Elks Lodge No. 2815 National Youth Week Program on May 7, 2016. The scholarships are awarded to top high school graduates across the…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
SaddleBrooke Republican Club learns about ISIS

Dr. Sandy McNabb, recently returned from seven years of living in Egypt including the time of Egypt’s January 25, 2011 revolution, was the featured guest speaker at the recent SaddleBrooke Republican Club’s May meeting. Dr. McNabb held her audience spellbound by her vast and diverse knowledge surrounding the rise of ISIS and the potential threat…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
SaddleBrooke graduates

Rita Fletcher Cindy and JP Blount, Karen Curry, Ray Peale, Jake Jacobson, Gloria and Glen Singleton, Kathy and Norm Smith and Nan and Jack Stebe have completed the course, run the race and graduated with honors and applause at a party given in their honor by the SaddleBrooke Square Dance Club. Here are some testimonials…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
Windy City club members enjoy pizza outing

Karen Schickedanz SaddleBrooke Windy City Club members enjoyed an outing last month to Old Chicago, a Tucson restaurant specializing in—what else?—Chicago-style deep dish pizza. The casual get-together, the brainchild of Howie and Elaine Fagan, attracted about two dozen people. Earlier this year the club sponsored a baseball-themed party at the Mesquite Grill that drew some…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
SilverBelles in step with Sun City Singles

After their performance in April, the SaddleBrooke SilverBelles mingle with the Sun City Singles at Rancho Vistoso in Oro Valley. The Belles coaxed several high-spirited, good humored attendees to the dance floor where, after being instructed in a few basic dance steps, they joined with the dancers in executing a simple routine. Lots of fun,…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
SB Paper Crafters donate cards

Carol Thompson Fairwinds at Desert Point residents were the recipients of almost 160 homemade cards when several volunteers from the SaddleBrooke Paper Crafters Club delivered their crafts door-to-door. Each card was made and donated by members of the club. This event was the first of many such future visits planned. Robert, the assistant manager at…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
Biosphere 2

Dick Kroese SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club had John Adams, Deputy Director of Biosphere II, as the speaker at our weekly meeting. He told us that the University of Arizona assumed management of Biosphere 2 in July of 2007. The University has the vision of understanding complex environmental systems by engaging both the scientific community and…
Clubs & Classes, June 2016
Tai Chi – The perfect exercise as we age
Ken Emerson Tai Chi, which has grown in popularity throughout the world, is typified by slow, deliberate repetitive movements and is based on coordination and relaxation rather than muscular tension. It is believed that focusing the mind solely on the movements helps to bring about a state of mental calm and clarity. In recent years…