Category: June 2016

SaddleBrooke Republican Club hosts Congressional Candidates

Patricia Tarner The SaddleBrooke Republican Club hosted the Republican Congressional Candidates for Congressional District One at a highly successful Meet and Greet on April 14 in the MountainView Club ballroom. The room bustled with eager candidates and interested Republican Club members in search of answers on pressing political issues. SaddleBrooke Republican Club Vice President Rich…

Line Dance with Rebecca

Level 1 Line Dancers are already having a great time in their lessons with Rebecca Magdanz; they’ve been dancing almost 10 years in SaddleBrooke.

Dr. Mark Magdanz Classes are filling rapidly for a mid-July kickoff of a nine lesson series. This spring series over 100 dancers are spending time in the comfortable air conditioning of HOA1, HOA2 and SaddleBrooke Ranch. As always, lots of dance steps (about 4,000 to 5,000 per class are being added to daily fitness recommendations.…

Team RWB

RWB members Kristin Trapp and Emerson Knowles

Julia Young This is a testimonial to SaddleBrooke Rotary Club member Emerson Knowles. On March 31 Emerson and fellow Team RWB member Kristin Trapp spoke to our club about their involvement in bringing our young veterans of war home and keeping them healthy. Kristin is retired from the Air Force and works as an occupational…

Animal mating game

SaddleBrooke Nature Club President Ron Andrea, Jim Thompson (door prize winner); photo by Ed Skaff

Pam Boedeker May’s SaddleBrooke Nature Club meeting was filled to capacity! The title of the night’s presentation was Animal Mating Game. Our speaker, Sandy Reith, began her talk by assuring members that there was no X or R rated material in her presentation. Sandy has a long history of interest in desert animals. Prior to…

Establish your meditation practice

The Three Things You Need: Motivation, Method and Structure Motivation What is your purpose for practicing meditation? Some traditional purposes for engaging in meditation are to relax, to find refuge from the storm, to heal – emotionally or physically – to open the heart and become more loving, to grow spiritually. It is important to know…

April in Paris – SaddleBrooke Style

As over sixty graceful, energetic and elegantly dressed dancers arrived at the Let’s Dance Club’s annual gala in late April, they were transported to an evening in Paris – SaddleBrooke style. The lights were low, the music was decidedly French, the Eiffel Tower and cherry blossoms adorned each table. Cocktails and a banquet style dinner…

Knit Wits news

Ruth gets some assistance with the vest on which she is working.

Carol Chiarello Tina Marie Willis is a fairly new knitter. We recently held a magic loop class and she taught several ladies this technique. It is helpful to do the magic loop to take the place of double pointed needles. If this all sounds like a foreign language, trust me, it is at first! But…

Youth on Their Own visits SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary

Kristyn Conner spoke to the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club.

Dick Kroese Kristyn Connor, Development Coordinator for Youth on Their Own (YOTO), spoke at SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club recently and gave us some information that few of us knew little about. Students served in the 2009/2010 school year were 492. In the 2015/2016 school year they served 1,588 students. We have over 100 youth served…

SB Stroke/Neuro Support Group

Liz Boyd Are you caring for a loved one who has stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis or other neurological conditions? Or are you your own caregiver? Our monthly lunches provide an opportunity to share concerns and solutions in a supportive atmosphere. The next two lunches will be on Friday, June 17 and Friday, July…

Garden party at Bianchi’s Italian

Charli Jackson (center), the decorated hat winner, wearing her creation and holding her prize of a potted yellow rose and trellis amongst the other members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club.

Lynne Kumza Ah! Spring is in the air Pollen is everywhere The bees are busy We danced till we were dizzy But who gives a care When spring is in the air Once upon a bright, sunny, spring afternoon in April, the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club and spouses came together at Bianchi’s Italian to wish…