Category: Religion

Patio Party

  Brenda Koch It is that time of year when the Resurrection Church of SaddleBrooke members join each other for a Patio Party to socialize and get to know their fellow worshippers in a more relaxed atmosphere. This is the last church social event as we close out the busy part of the year in…

CCSB welcomes Isabele Mai

  Joanne Thomas Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) was privileged to have guest pianist, Isabele Mai, play a duet with church accompanist, Joanne Thomas. Isabele is a high school sophomore who has studied piano for ten years. This talented musician has previously played piano solos for the church and has also played with world-renowned pianist…

Community Church at SaddleBrooke

  CCSB holds Men’s Rally Dick Kroese Men of Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) and their guests had a wonderful day that was led by Pastor Ron Gannett. He spoke on how to live the fourth quarter of our lives and that we can still make a difference. Ron pointed out to us how daily…

“Living Life on Purpose” Women’s summer Bible Study

  Di Monza Are you a year-round resident at SaddleBrooke One, SaddleBrooke TWO, or the Ranch? Even though many activities are put on hold for the summer, several Christian women from the SaddleBrooke communities are sponsoring a summer Bible study. We want to remember Hebrews 10:25, “Let us not give up the habit of meeting…