Janet Tucker Who remembers Alice Cooper’s great summer anthem? I may not have been a wild Alice Cooper fan, but I have always liked that song. So here we are in the delightful month of May, watching the flowers bloom and making summer plans. The summer time is great time to take advantage of the…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Arizona pecans

Pam Boedeker This year the SaddleBrooke Nature Club has been focusing on the products of Arizona. In April our guest speaker’s expertise was pecans. Rich Walden is a third generation farmer from the Santa Cruz Valley south of Tucson. He is the Farm Manager for the Santa Cruz Valley Pecan Farm and is active in…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Let’s Dance Ballroom Club

A crowded dance floor of eager wanna be Night Club Two Steppers awaited instruction under the expert tutelage of Tom and Ann Kurtz. Night Club Two Step is often called the cruise ship dance because of the small dance floors on most cruise ships. NCTS can be danced beautifully with grace and stylish movement in…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
British Club Coffee Morning and Book Exchange

Twink Gates-Zimdar On Saturday, April 11 it was another glorious morning here in SaddleBrooke when eleven members of the British Club gathered together and enjoyed a friendly coffee morning and Book Exchange at the home of Joan Reichert. Along with coffee and tea, of course, Joan served an array of homemade delicious sausage rolls, quiche…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Pickleball, Part 1: Popularity growing
Andrea Molberg Fun, competitive, easy to learn and good exercise, pickleball is the fastest growing sport among active seniors and a sought after amenity in retirement communities. So much so that Pickleball is the first sport added to the National Senior Games in 20 years and according to Athletic Business (2015) has been catching fire…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Successful Clogging Expo at SaddleBrooke Ranch free classes

Pat Cox Over 100 clogging enthusiasts filled the big white tent at the first Clogging Expo held at SaddleBrooke Ranch on April 2. The free program included a demonstration of clogging at various skill levels by students of classes taught by Carol Jones and also featured two SaddleBrooke performing groups. Coyote Country Cloggers, under the…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Congratulations SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club 2015 graduates

Rita Fletcher Since November 21 residents have learned over 100 calls and can now readily show off their acquired skills! It may seem intimidating but, yes, it is that easy; learning from our expert SaddleBrooke resident professional caller Larry Kraber on Tuesday evenings makes it even more fun. The ability to review at home with…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
The British Club plays Bocce Ball

Twink Gates-Zimdar It was a surprisingly cooler than normal day Sunday, April 26 after the glorious weather we have been enjoying this April. However, twenty nine members of the British Club braved the 64 degree weather and gathered at the Bocce Ball Courts here in SaddleBrooke for a fun Bocce Ball game. Following the game,…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Thursday afternoon Bridge clinic
This clinic is a practice and critique session designed for players at intermediate and advanced levels who desire to improve their Bridge. No partner is necessary. No time commitment; come late, leave early. Meet potential new partners. Sessions run from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoons at 37901 S. Arroyo Way in SaddleBrooke. We…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Birthdays are a piece of cake!

Dorothy Wood “Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.” These veritable words were brought to life by twenty-five members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club who threw themselves a party on April 13 to celebrate what we often try to forget—our birthdays! This wasn’t your boring cake and candle event, this was a bash…