Tony Ingle It can be challenging when you try to do it on your own. A group of men come together every Friday morning to explore and try to better understand the scriptures. Through study and discussion, we try to understand what the authors were trying to say to their original audiences and how that…
Category: Religion
Religion, April 2019
CCSB collects $6000 for Wycliffe Center

Carol Thompson Community Church at SaddleBrooke (CCSB) had a special collection at our Christmas Eve service last year. CCSB supports many worthwhile missions, and the church members contributed a total of almost $300,000 last year alone. Recently, the CCSB Board approved donating the Christmas Eve collection of $6,000 to the local Wycliffe Center in Catalina.…
Religion, April 2019
CCSB record-breaking 32 new members
Religion, April 2019
This I have learned: “Curious Article”
Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg Have you gone on a vacation and, upon arriving back at your domicile, you say “Home sweet home?” This is a well-known idiom. Its obscure origin is from a song in the opera Clari, or The Maid of Milan, which was first performed in London in 1823. The song was popularized…
Religion, April 2019
What you need to know about gluten
Nancy Teeter, RDN Gluten-free (GF) diets are all the rage. Many people are confused about gluten, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Often, people believe that gluten-free products are healthier or that they may promote weight loss. My goal in writing this article is to replace misinformation with facts. What is gluten? Gluten is a protein…
Religion, April 2019
Men’s Breakfast Group learns about cranberries

David Stanard The Resurrection Church Men’s Breakfast season is drawing to a close. After its meeting in May, the group will break for the summer and reconvene in October. By every metric these past few months have been positive. There has been good food, record attendance and a number of interesting and memorable programs. It…
Religion, April 2019
Institute of Judaic Services
Our final service this spring will be April 26, 7:00 p.m. at the MVCC Ballroom West. Services are led by Rabbi Sandy Seltzer and Cantorial Soloist Sarah Bollt, accompanied by Chris Tackett. Sharing Shabbat is a wonderful way to welcome the peace of Shabbat as a community. Oneg Shabbat Herb and Sue Cohn are sponsoring…
Religion, April 2019
Holy Week and Easter opportunities at Church of the Apostles
Shirin McArthur Holy Week and Easter are traditionally the high point of the Christian church year. Episcopal Church of the Apostles (located at 12111 N La Cholla Blvd, just north of Tangerine) will offer different worship services during Holy Week. Each service sheds light on aspects of the mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection.…