Colonel Nagy presents Certificate of Appreciation and MOAA Challenge Coin to General Connolly.
G. William Myers (LT, CEC, USN Former)
The Catalina Mountain Satellite Chapter (CMSC) of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) held its January meeting on Jan. 16. The meeting began with a short business session presided over by Col. Bill Nagy, President, during which members were updated on the chapter’s activities.
The day’s presentation was given by Brigadier General Keith B. Connolly. As a Vietnam War veteran, he flew 172 combat missions over North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in the F-4. The general’s final active-duty assignment was as the 5th Air Force, Vice Commander at Yokota Air Force Base, Japan in 1987. In 1990, General Connolly retired from the United States Air Force with 5,100 hours in F-86, F-100, A-7, 0-2, OV-1O, F-4, F-15, and F-16 aircraft.
Brigadier General Keith Connolly first discussed the Retired Affairs Office at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base and what services this office provides to retired service members and their families.
General Connolly next focused his presentation on his time as head of the board investigating the 1986 midair collision between two military aircraft during a military exercise in South Korea. The collision was between a Marine F-4 and an Air Force F-16. The Marine Pilot was able to land his damaged aircraft with the help of the arresting gear at the end of the runway. The Air Force Pilot ejected from his aircraft, which had been cut in two, before it spun to the ground on the mud flats along the Sea of Japan.
The February meeting will be held at 1400 hours (2 p.m.) on Saturday, Feb. 20, on the patio at the SaddleBrooke One Tennis Center. This location provides an open-air venue, which meets current COVID-19 safety guidelines. With the availability of sun screening and overhead fans, the patio is a perfect place to meet for the attendees. Masks and social distancing guidelines are to be followed. No food or drink will be available, although participants may bring their own water bottle or cup to use with the ice and water available at the Tennis Center.
All members and non-members interested in attending the next meeting need to contact Col. Kurt McMillan at kmmcmillen@gmail.com or by phone at 520-270-5856, or Col. Bill Nagy at wjnagy@yahoo.com or by phone at 520-355-5064. Wives are always welcome. Seating is limited to the first 40 members and guests who confirm their attendance.
The Catalina Mountains Satellite Chapter is part of Tucson Chapter of MOAA, and encompasses Northwest Tucson including Catalina, Oracle, parts of Oro Valley and Marana, SaddleBrooke, SaddleBrooke Ranch, and Sun City. For additional MOAA information contact Col. Bill Nagy at wjnagy@yahoo.com or visit their website at www.tucsonmoaa.com. The Military Officers Association of America is a non-profit veteran’s association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and to preserve the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors.