Can Meditation Improve my Mental and Emotional Health?

Reverend Patricia Gould

Reverend Patricia Gould

Reverend Patricia Gould

In these days of COVID-19 are you feeling stress, confusion, or loneliness? It seems that we are experiencing so many thoughts and emotions these days and that most situations are out of our control.

My name is Reverend Patricia Gould. I have been a Reiki Natural Healing Master for six years, a student of Zen practicing meditation for 42 years, and a hula dancer for what seems like forever.

In February of 2019, my friend Barbara Barr and I created a group in Saddlebrooke we called WIN, an acronym for Wellness Integrated Network. Together, we have organized many presentations for the community by inviting doctors and other experts, including ourselves, in the fields of health and wellness. We had held these meetings on the first Friday of each month at MountainView clubhouse. Perhaps you have attended some of our gatherings.

Since we are unable to convene these days, we are finding new ways to stay in touch with you and to support you.

One way is to use meditation as a process to ease the uncertainty and show us how to be with our shared human condition. Research shows that maintaining an ongoing habit of meditation may help you by improving your mental and emotional health. It may be as simple as taking just a moment to settle down and focus your attention inwardly rather than on outward circumstances. As we become more balanced and centered, we can appreciate every moment and all the little gifts that life offers us.

You can engage in a meditation practice to improve your quality of life, even if you only have a few minutes to do it each day. Do you wish to find out how?

The easiest way to get started in a meditation practice and find out if it’s for you is to attend a free one hour online introduction to Zen meditation on Zoom beginning Thursday, August 20 at 4 p.m.

For further information, contact Patricia Gould 808-281-9001 or to sign up.

Until we are able to resume our First Friday seminars at the MountainView clubhouse, we will be providing wellness information through Facebook, Zoom, newspaper articles, and email. If you are not currently on our WIN mailing list, contact Barbara Barr at 520-358-1111, Patti Gould at 808-281-9001, or email