Left to right, the fearsome foursome: Ben Lichtman, Bon Maruniak, Peter Baragona and Dennis Marchand
Bob Edelblut
If I were the eighth hole at the MountainView Golf Course I would be asking, “Why is everyone picking on me?” For the fifth time in the first two months of the year a hole-in-one was scored at this hole and the current winner is Bob Maruniak. By the way, this is the eighth hole-in-one recorded by a MPMGA member already this year. Wow!
On Friday, February 26 Bob was playing a leisurely round of golf with neighbors Dennis Marchand, Peter Baragona and Ben Lichtman. It was a gorgeous day for golf and as the group approached the eighth hole I can assure you that no one saw this coming. Bob says that he was told that his shot was about 155 yards to a back pin. He chose an eight iron and when he made contact he thought it was hit a little thin. Dennis immediately said, “It’s right at it” and followed with, “Hit the flag.” Seconds later, as the ball disappeared, the yell was, “It’s in the hole.” Bob, as most of you know, is a skeptic at heart and he was not taking Dennis seriously. But when both Ben and Peter started yelling the same refrain Bob was stunned. As the group approached the green everyone could tell that Bob was still not 100% confident that the ball was in the hole. Rennie Temple, the marshal of the day, arrived at the green at the same time and told all that there was in fact a ball over the back of the green. It was clearly white and Bob only plays yellow so the suspense continued as Bob and Rennie walked to the pin. Seconds later it was confirmed that Bob had number one! Congratulations one more time! Rumor has it that Bob was still shaking when he arrived on the ninth tee and that was confirmed when his tee shot found the desert on the right. However, he quickly righted his ship and not only parred number nine but birdied number ten. Super!
Bob, who calls Ohio home, spent most of his younger days playing basketball and even today he is on the court banging bodies every week. He has been playing golf for over fifty years but did not take it seriously until he moved to SaddleBrooke about four years ago. He quickly learned that there were many new friends and neighbors eager to watch his shots for him so golf easily became his new love. Congratulations again.