Hikers departing High Jinks Ranch: Elisabeth Wheeler and Mary and Ken Riemersma (Photo by Serena Dufault)
Elisabeth Wheeler
“AZT in a Day” is a 24-hour statewide challenge to cover almost 800 miles of the Arizona National Scenic Trail in one day. Regrettably, this year, some burned sections of the trail were inaccessible. Six SaddleBrooke hikers joined other hikers, bike riders, and equestrian riders in this annual quest. Ray Peale, Susan Hollis, and Missy Rodey hiked seven miles of the Oracle Passage through Oracle State Park with a snack break at the Windmill. Elisabeth Wheeler and Ken and Mary Riemersma hiked four miles round-trip to the historic High Jinks Ranch. There, they enjoyed a snack break and historical talk at the Ranch with trail steward Serena Dufault. This year’s event targeted fundraising to support restoration of trails burned by the wildfires, Wounded Warrior treks, and the Seeds of Stewardship program which provides outdoor education and empowerment skills to young people. It was a fun day to enjoy hiking on the Arizona Trail and to help make a difference!