Art Salon Seeks Facilitators for Lively Discussions

Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair

From September through May, the SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild sponsors a monthly Art Salon on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Topaz Room at the Arts & Crafts Center, adjacent to the MountainView Country Club. The Art Salon is for like-minded artists to come together in a friendly environment to bond, network, and learn from one another. All SaddleBrooke residents and guests are invited to join. There is no charge for the gatherings.

Facilitators are needed to develop and lead lively, interactive discussions on topics related to art. You do not need to be a practicing artist, nor a member of the Fine Arts Guild. Simply be willing to share your knowledge and passion about something that influences the world of art. Past topics include right brain-left brain thinking, art and technology/science, creativity, cartoons, and more.

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Dona Ferry at or visit our website for more information.