Art at the Lakes 2022

Artists! This is the last month to apply to show your artwork at the 2022 show. We have big crowds, great artwork, and a big raffle. We are now receiving applications for artists to participate in the show. Applications must be returned by Jan. 31. Applications are available in the Cottonwood and IronOaks Art Rooms and at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Administration Office. You may also request an application at

The 13th annual show is on March 5 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a rain date of March 12. The show is nestled around a beautiful Cottonwood lake, with over 80 artists showing their art. The Desert Ramblers will be entertaining guests with great music again this year. There will also be a raffle worth approximately $6,000, with all money going to Arizona Fire & Medical Authority Firefighters charities. The firefighters and medics will be slaving over hot grills to make hot dogs and cheeseburgers for you to enjoy. Chips and a drink are included with a meal purchase.

For additional information, send questions by email to, or call Diane Hitt at 480-802-7080.