Are you a Jewel?

Dee Saunders

Recently one of my friends from SaddleBrooke and I experienced a very frustrating shopping trip to the mall. None of the clothes that we tried on made us feel good so we decided to treat ourselves to lunch. While waiting for the food to arrive, my friend informed me that although she didn’t want to brag or make me jealous, she wanted me to know that “she” was still able to fit into the earrings that she wore in high school.

Stores and advertisers have long neglected our generation by catering to only the young and thin. Somehow my friend’s comment triggered a desire within me to do something about that. It was only a few days later that four of us from SaddleBrooke got together after a golf outing and discussed the possibility of a publication targeting women from our generation. That evening, Jewel was born.

Jewel stands for Journal for Experienced Women Enjoying Life. It is the acronym we hope to give our new website publication that will target all baby boomer women. Since we are not fond of being called baby boomers, we gave ourselves the name of the Jewel Generation. After all, we baby boomers are the priceless, timeless women of our generation. We are the Jewels on the family tree.

Our vision for this website is that it will provide articles with informational content geared to topics that interest our Jewel generation. Besides focusing on fashions appropriate for our body style and age, we hope to cover health and relationship issues as well as travel and financial topics. Ultimately we hope to solve the frustration of both mall shopping and internet purchases via a future catalog portion. Our vision is to utilize age appropriate models featuring fashionable clothes that flatter our generation and body style.

We are tired of our generation being ignored by the advertising and retail sectors and we are tired of looking at catalogs and ads that display the 20 something – size zero models. It is time to show retailers and ad agencies that the Jewel generation is a force to be recognized. After all we are the third largest economy in the world, only behind the U.S. and China, and the boomer population is increasing at the incredible rate of 10,000 a day.

We would love for you to be part of the Jewel Generation team that shows the world we matter.

Sooo—if you also see a need for a website publication such as Jewel and have expertise in any of the following topics and would be interested in contributing articles, ads or help in any form, please contact us at the below email.


* Fashion and make up

* Health issues

* Travel destinations

* Food and recipes

* Financial issues

* Relationships

* Advertising experience

* Webpage experience

The Jewel Generation Team; email