Dottie Adams
Once upon a long time ago, when no one had ever heard of COVID-19, line dancing was all about western music, boots and scootin’. Back in 2010, when SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) became a group led by a five-member board and dedicated member leaders, a boot-theme logo was designed for our new website. It has served us well for over a decade; however, line dance is not all about western boot scootin’ any longer.
Present day line dance programs include jazz, rumba, jive, nightclub two-step, tango, and waltz. Fear not, there is still the occasional western fun.
While everyone was sheltering at home during the earlier days of the pandemic, our very own graphic designer began to think perhaps it was time for a new logo that better addressed the current style of SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club. The result is a new look for our website as well as publications like this.
The picture of line dancers with masks and social distancing is also a new look. A few of the level three dancers were taking a five-minute break. See all their beautiful smiles!
Thinking positively, the TGIF dance is still scheduled for September 18 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the MountainView ballroom. Happy to say you can count on the Ballroom Dance Club to schedule TGIF dances in 2021.
The Christmas Party is still scheduled for December 9 from 11 a.m. through 2 p.m. Membership in the club is not required.
Gee willikers I almost forgot—thanks to Charli Jackson for her contribution to the article and the outstanding eye-catching updated line dance logo.
If you would like to join the SBLDC, check out our website at or contract Diana Carbone at Members enjoy a flexible choice of line dance lessons and workshop sessions with no pre-bookings required for the bargain membership fee of $10 per year! Why miss all the fun; sign-up now!