A new local MOAA Chapter has been formed

Rett Benedict

The Tucson Chapter of MOAA held a meeting recently in SaddleBrooke and local members moved forward to establish their own MOAA satellite chapter – the Catalina Mountains Satellite. The Satellite held its first meeting on February 14 and the highlight was a talk by Lieutenant Colonel John Lytle, U.S. Army Air Force (USAA), WWII veteran and former B-24 (Liberator) bomber pilot China, Burma, India (CBI) theater and Colonel John Nagy. Lieutenant Colonel Lytle described his experiences flying the B-24 during the war. He had over 50 combat missions over China, Thailand and Burma airspace.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2015, at 10:00 in the East Room, MountainView Country Club, 38759 S. MountainView Boulevard in Tucson, Arizona 85739; phone 818-1000. Note: Lunch may be ordered and spouses are also encouraged to attend. The following meeting will be in September as the snowbirds begin to return.

The Catalina Mountains satellite encompasses northwest Tucson to include Catalina, Oracle, parts of Oro Valley and Marana, SaddleBrooke and Sun City.

For additional information, contact Colonel Rett Benedict at 825-7424, rbenedict4@comcast.net or Colonel Tom Owens, MOAA Tucson President at 760-3476, owensttt@gmail.com. Check website: www.tucsonmoaa.com for information.

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) is a nonprofit veterans’ service association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and to preserve the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors.

MOAA is the current Co-Chair of The Military Coalition (TMC), which is a consortium of 33 influential military and veterans’ organizations. These include the VFW, Wounded Warrior Project, Vietnam Veterans Association and a host of organizations representing every military service as well as the National Guard and reserve components. The TMC represents and protects the interests of 5.5 million members including active duty, National Guard, Reserve, veterans of the seven uniformed services, plus their families and survivors. This new local MOAA Chapter, when established, will join the other nine Arizona chapters in communicating support for these interests directly to our governments to include congressional and state legislative representatives.