A Letter to Holly

Holly Riviere

Eileen J. Snearly, MPLN Publicity

Holly Riviere (August 1944 to June 2022)

Dear Holly,

There’s not a day that goes by that we won’t think about you and the contributions you made to the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners.

We know you will be watching over us from heaven as we golf in SaddleBrooke, and we’ll miss you on the fairways.

You joined the MPLNiners in 2005 and quickly gave your time and energy to the organization. You served on the MPLN Board from 2006 until 2022. During that time, you wore many hats, from Rules Committee, photographer, pairings, vice president, and president, from 2009 until 2022.

You were an educator, retired professor of medicine and dentistry, a wife to George, a mother, author of The Diener and many industrial articles, golfer, and inspirational friend. We continue to be so proud of you.

We are hopeful someone will step up and continue your year-end videos of MPLN activities you so faithfully presented at dinners.

Thank you,

MPLN Membership

A light has gone out in our lives, but a new one will shine forever in our hearts.