Dr. Mark Magdanz
Holiday festivities are done, it’s still about as dark as it gets. Oh, what shall we do? How about line dancing? All three line dancing levels will have classes starting the middle of January. Never danced with Rebecca? It’s all about fun, learning and laughter in her classes.
December 9 brought a wonderful lunch in the Roadrunner as Rebecca’s dancers gathered to celebrate another terrific dance series. Three special sessions were held December 22 and 23 with all proceeds being donated to the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Organization.
The annual Tweener Party, held between the holidays on December 29, had over 45 attendees signed up and the dancing fun raised funds for the Tucson trap/spay/neuter project to control the feral cat population. Fun and funds for our little friends are always on Rebecca’s agenda.
Winter Level 1/Beginner class is on a wait list! You want to email now if you wish to dance. Rebecca has always worked hard and been able to accommodate everyone within a few weeks, but this year is especially tight so don’t delay contacting her. Why is line dancing so popular? It’s both fun and exercise; line dance is one of the top forms of low impact activity for seniors around the world and Rebecca is a master in teaching the skills. Level 1 Beginner classes are for students new to line dance and those who like easier steps, a relaxed teaching pace and a less strenuous workout. Of course, some folks just like Monday mornings in their weekly schedule. Some room to start at the Ranch has been snapped up by SaddleBrookers; just a couple spots remain up there now.
Level 2/Adv. Beginner/Easy Intermediate dances are a bit more complex and the teaching pace is faster. Sessions are Monday afternoons and/or Tuesday mornings. If you have some basic skills and fitness, you will find some space available for the winter season.
Level 3/Intermediate dancing is the most challenging class Rebecca leads. Thursdays bring a lot of fun, vigorous workouts and a mental challenge to the dance floor.
Student Practice sessions covering all skill levels are continuous year round. The current schedule is emailed to class participants. Low impact line dancing has been proven to ease the obstacles of aging if done weekly; Note 6000 steps per day are now recommended for knee arthritis prevention. Line Dance classes provide most (and often all) of those steps in each class and practice.
Line Dancing with Rebecca follows sound educational principals and emphasizes lots of fun. To sign up for a 2015 winter season, or get started planning for April, contact Rebecca Magdanz at [email protected] or phone 818-2656 for locations, cost information and to be placed on one of her reservation lists. Rebecca is a 10 plus year full time SaddleBrooke resident and teaches year round in both SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch. Rebecca’s classes have included over 200 different dances (not all at the same time – ha ha) since she began teaching in SaddleBrooke eight years ago.