Student dancers line up for graduation ceremonies.
Kay White
Graduations are memorable. You have reached a point in your life where you have completed a task that is very worthwhile – a high school graduation, a college graduation or in this case a Square Dance Class graduation. Whoever is graduating and wherever they’re graduating from, these longest lasting shirt blankets would make the perfect gift, to remind them of their accomplishments for years to come.
Square Dance lessons began in October 2016 and ended 24 weeks later in April 2017; fifteen weeks of Main Stream dancing and nine weeks of Plus lessons.
During this period of time students meet with other students and are helped along this new path by teaching assistants (TA’s). This is also the time when new friendships are formed and hard work becomes fun.
Then on April 6, 2017 the day everyone has been working towards, you discovered how magical, fun and exciting all that hard work turned out to be.
One of the students was accompanied to graduation by a daughter, granddaughters and several friends. She was treated to dinner and presented with flowers. It doesn’t get any better than this – be you 30 years old or 70 years old.
Graduation night began with a dance tip enjoyed by club members and graduates. The club vice-presidents then escorted the graduates to the hall outside the MountainView Ballroom to line them up for their grand march entry. The graduates entered the ballroom to the sound of applause, proud families, smiling dance assistants and a very pleased dance instructor, Larry Kraber. They were presented with certificates and nametags on behalf of the club. Next on the agenda, Club President Tom Carr read Ode to a Square Dance Graduate and after the laughter died down he announced the graduates were now club members. The class then squared up for a special graduation dance. This was followed by a skit presented by two club members, Richard Martin and JP Blount. The skit was well received by the audience.
Then it was time for the graduates to show the club how much fun they could inject into the evening. The instructors and class coordinators were placed into a square, supplied with blackout masks and one of the graduates called a square dance for the well-seasoned dancers to perform. Well done, graduates; this was hilarious and ingenuous. You fit right into the club – “Welcome.”
Gifts were presented to the instructor and club co-coordinators for all their hard work. Then the dance began – the fun – the skills and the laughter of the dance is what brings everyone together and keeps everyone coming back for more.
Interested in joining the SaddleBrooke Squares and learning how to square dance? New lessons will start up in October. There will be a demonstration dance called Give Us A Whirl (GUAW) and for those that want more the GUAW will be followed by two free dance lessons. More information wanted? Check our website – www.saddlebrookesquares.com or call the club President Bob White at 520-818-9482.