Left to right: Dean Hampton, Special Events Director David Cohen, President Bob Eder
Bob Edelblut
The MPMGA Men’s Club held this year’s President’s Cup Tournament on Wednesday, March 30 and Thursday, March 31. Once again the Preserve and MountainView Golf Clubs provided all the challenge the contestants could handle and as all of you know so well Mother Nature was also a factor. A bit of everything described the weather—cold early on, warmer and sunny late in the rounds and wind gusts that never seemed to cease. Got the picture?
The President’s Cup is one of the Men’s Club Special Events and this year 83 members committed to play. All were grouped into eight flights based primarily on the players’ tee selection and of course, their own course handicap. Players in the same flight played from the same tees and all players participated with 100% of their individual handicap. The overall winner of this tournament is the one who produces the lowest net score for the two days of the event and let me assure you there were many who had their sights set on this trophy as well as that rather large pool of prizes waiting to be had. Are you ready?
Did I say that these guys are good? On day one 29 players recorded net scores under par. On day two 18 players accomplished the same feat. For the combined two days 19 players finished with a net score under par. Fantastic golf, gentlemen! This year’s flight winners are Flight 1, Bruce Fink with a score of 136; Flight 2, John Brubaker with a score of 137; Flight 3, Mick Borm with a score of 139; Flight 5, John Bidegain with a score of 138; Flight 6, Tom Beahan with a score of 141; Flight 7, Pete Schwartz with a score of 143; Flight 8, Phil Noll with a score of 141. Well done, gentlemen! Not to worry—prizes were also awarded to at least the top three, in some cases the top four, places in each flight as well as to those 16 players who won closest to the pin competitions. It was a big pool! Congratulations to all the winners.
Okay, here comes the really good stuff. Dean Hampton celebrated his 77th birthday several days before the tournament began. At the Preserve on opening day Dean shot his new age, 77. This great score sounds even better when you learn that the round included a score of 34 on the back nine. Yes, our overall champion is Dean Hampton with a combined score of 129. Congratulations one more time! Runner-up this year was Bruce Fink with a two-day score of 136.
Following golf all members enjoyed a fantastic buffet put together by HOA 2’s Food and Beverage Division. Many thanks. David Cohen orchestrated a fun-filled awards program and spent lots of time thanking corporate sponsors Lexus of Tucson and Golf Cars of Arizona for their support. Mike Jahaske and all his golf course staff were acknowledged for their continued support also. And—the Men’s Club was pleased to have Dr. Joseph Larsen with Oro Valley Dental Arts join us for lunch and share with us his approach to dental care. We thank you for your continued support.