2 Your Health: Massage—It’s Not a Luxury. It’s Preventive Wellness

Heidi Overman, Licensed Massage Therapist, #MT-24997

Waking up in pain is not what we thought our “Golden Years” would be all about. You didn’t plan for never-ending doctors’ appointments and pain management with no end in sight. The talk amongst your friends and golf buddies, pickleball partners, and tennis teammates has turned into, “What are you doing for your pain and injuries?”

Have you tried therapeutic massage? Massage is not a luxury. Massage is preventive. Massage therapists are trained in anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology and work specifically with muscles. We feel the areas that are causing pain and issues. We have training in specialty methods that can help and heal.

We work with your muscles to help with flexibility, detoxification, range of motion, and overall helping you with your quality of life.

Massage therapy has helped my clients avoid surgery, help with sleep issues, take away plantar fasciitis, and lessen chronic pain, anxiety issues, leg cramps, shoulder pain, hip and lower back issues, and much more.

A very important point to keep in mind is that the muscle patterns that are causing these issues have been ingrained into your bodies over many years of repetition and muscle memory. It will take a plan of action to start the process of healing and reteaching those muscles how to relax properly and keep you moving with less or no pain. It is a process!

When getting regular massage, you can prevent larger injuries such as muscle pulls, strains, and long-term pain due to falls and accidents. Massage keeps your muscles healthy and flexible.

If you are interested in a therapeutic massage, please call me for an appointment at 520-771-1514. My website is www.transformwellnessplus.com, and I’m located at Transform Wellness +, 15920 N. Oracle Road, Suite 170, Tucson, AZ 85739 (next to the Golden Goose Thrift Shop).