MountainView Bridge Club news

Stephanie Parks

Spring just can’t stop springing, what with the weather we’ve been having. I’m sure it will be warm soon enough for most of us. Before anything else, I want to congratulate Terry Coe who went and saw and conquered the field at the Mesa Regional often enough to become a Life Master! Well done, Ms. Coe! If anyone else breaks a barrier, please let me know so I can praise your achievements here. I checked out the results of the Tucson Spring Sectional held from April 23 to 26 and our little group was represented well, as always. Out of 422 players, 350 received between 18 and 41.72 points. While several of our group won their sections, only one pair came in first overall in the open pairs games – Stephen Maltzman and Donna DePesa – who won the A Flight with a 62.96% game on Saturday morning. That put Steve in the top 50 pointsters with a total of 17.86 points, placing him in the august company of Jeff Lesser (29.6), Adair Karlin (16.86), Joan Merrill (leg-cart and all – 11.43) and Ann Kuperberg (11.08). Nicely done, folks! Remember that June 14 is the annual Member Appreciation Day/Unit Game at the Skyline Country Club starting at 9:00 a.m. Play one or two sessions, including lunch, for $20. Register by June 12. And now to the ordinariness of days: We had eight games in April, averaging a bit more than 11 tables since we had a smaller room for one game. The Flight Winners throughout April were:

A Flight: JoAnn Aiken/Michele Werley; Arlene/John Mayfield (2); Ann Kuperberg/Dick Quigg; Note this: on April 10, the eight table game, the Mayfields each played with different partners and Arlene Mayfield/Barbara Feeley won N/S while John Mayfield/Vicki Hansen won E/W (thus redefining “divide and conquer”); Nancy Holt/Judson Jones; Al Spaet/Eric Vonderheid; Arlene Mayfield/Trudie Weber-Penta (overall winner in Club Champ); Jeff/Sheila Lesser; Steve Maltzman/Donna DePesa; Adair Karlin/Joan Merrill; Marie Heald/Barb Feeley

B Flight: Peter Godfrey/Steve Sahl (3); Betty Edwards/Midge Miller; John Wolfe/Paul Rizza; Dean Frost/Sue Hagerty; Sue Bush/Paul Shalita (overall winner, Club Champ); Bruce/Judith Spinney; Betty Meyer/Bob Murray Loretta Wood/Michele Werley; Richard Quigg/Ann Kuperberg

C Flight: Jean Reitan/Sandy French; Betty Meyer/Bob Murray (3), including overall winner, Club Champ); Susan Hagerty/Trudie Weber-Penta; Bruce/Judith Spinney

Congratulations to all winners! See you at the tables.

All details can be found at the website We play every Tuesday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Mariposa Room at the DesertView Theatre building, open to everyone. Feel free to join us.