British Club general meeting

Twink Gates-Zimdar

Thirty-two members and two guests of the British Club attended the AGM (Annual General Meeting) held at the Activities Center Saturday, September 24 at 6:00 p.m. After socializing with cocktails upon arriving, a delicious buffet supper was served at 7:00 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. President Peter Godfrey announced the commencement of the annual General Meeting. Reports were heard from each of the board members, following which nominations were announced for the new board to commence at the start of the new financial year October 1, 2016. The new officers and board members elected for 2016/2017 are: President Peter Godfrey, Vice President Mike Sedgwick, Treasurer David Taylor, Secretary Enid Fowler, Membership Chair Joan Reichert and Publicity Twink Gates. Members at Large are Ethel Willmot, Beryl Saner and Cindy O’Connell.

Following the successful election of officers and board members, the meeting adjourned and was followed by delicious desserts and coffee.

For membership information contact Joan Reichert, phone 720-375-5516, email [email protected].

Membership is open to any person who was born in Britain or The Commonwealth or holds or has previously held a British passport and is a current homeowner of SBHOA1, SBHOA, or SaddleBrooke Ranch.

The member’s spouse or partner may be of any national origin.