SaddleBrooke Sunrise offered Sammy a stipend to buy a new saxophone and he rewarded members with a delightful concert of melodies.
Patti R. Albaugh
SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club recently helped a young man with his music career. Sammy Rivas, son of Jorge and Betty Rivas, received a scholarship to the University of Arizona School of Music. The only problem was the terrible condition of his saxophone, a well-used instrument that had seen better days. Sammy was glad to have even a battered saxophone on which to practice.
SaddleBrooke Sunrise offered Sammy a stipend to buy a new saxophone and he rewarded members with a delightful concert of melodies played on his new instrument. The appreciation on Sammy’s face and the smiles from members illustrated the connection between enabling musicians and music making.
Members of the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club make contributions of time and money to assist those within our community and over the world. Won’t you join us? You can be part of helping people like Sammy. We meet every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. at the MountainView Country Club. Please contact Membership Chair Mark Douglas at mdouglas.patoperro@gmail.com.