Western dancers at our summer DJ dance (photo by Jane Gromelski)
Jane Gromelski
The summer has flown by! It is time for classes to begin! On Oct. 13, we started our Arizona 2-step classes at 6 p.m. in the Vermilion Room in the SaddleBrooke clubhouse. Our intermediate class is at 7 p.m.
I still love the Texas 2-step, but all the venues in town dance the Arizona 2-step. I bow to the inevitable. These are fun classes. Dancing is fun, so classes should also be fun! We recommend leather-soled shoes or cowboy boots so your feet will glide on the floor. No sandals! Horrors! Classes will run through November.
We will begin classes again in January. I am hoping to add a Western 3-step/Polka class.
Partner Pattern classes started Oct. 24. These are Monday classes. The easier dances will be at 6 p.m., and we will move to more challenging dances at about 7 p.m. Classes are held in the Mountainview Ballroom. I would like $1 donation per person per day of class to feed the treasury.
Our Halloween party/dance/concert was on Oct. 31 in the MountainView Ballroom. Wild Ride played for us from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
The next dance in November is on Wednesday, Nov. 16, in the Mountainview Ballroom, with Wild Ride playing.
We are fortunate to be able to attend different dance venues and dance to various bands, old favorites and new. In the past, we had the Lariat, then the Oracle Inn. But they are kaput. Whisky Roads is a longer drive, etc. The Ranch, MountainView, and Rancho Vistoso are closer! Let’s dance everywhere we can while we can!
Yee Haw!