What women need to know

Terry Barringer

When faced with a dilemma, Scarlett O’Hara was often heard to say, “Well I can’t think about that now; I’ll think about that tomorrow.” How many of us take that same position with regard to emergencies and unexpected life events? We look forward to planning a vacation or a reunion or our retirement, but planning for our incapacitation or the death of our spouse is often left for another day.

T. J. Roethe, a Professional Organizer, was made keenly aware of this when her husband was hospitalized with a possible heart attack. In addition to the medical information she was receiving and attempting to process, her mind raced to the question “What if?” She realized that there were so many facets of their life that might need her direction and attention. It was from this feeling of unpreparedness that the JUST IN CASE workbook was written.

Roethe has developed and published a quick reference workbook that will give women easy to use forms and worksheets that provide a flexible way to record and locate vital family information and documents. The looseleaf binder will allow you to customize the workbook to address your personal, financial, insurance, property and business needs. When completed, you will be prepared to address emergencies from a lost wallet to a lost life. This workshop does not render legal, financial or business advice. If required, Mrs. Roethe will direct you to consult with professionals.

The Community Church at SaddleBrooke’s Women’s Ministry is sponsoring a workshop with Mrs. Rothe which will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2014, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Activity Center in HOA 1 located at 64518 E. Galveston. Space is limited, so register now by mailing your check in the amount of $15 made payable to CCSB to the Community Church at SaddleBrooke Parish House located at 36768 S. Aaron Lane.

Workbooks will be available at the workshop. The cost of the book is $20 for preregistered attendees and $25 for any additional books purchased.

Should you have any questions regarding the JUST IN CASE workshop, you may call or email Mardie at 520-825-4700, mardienaz@wbhsi.net.

CCSB is a nondenominational group of believers meeting at the DesertView Theatre every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome.