WIN’s Summer Symposium

Barbara Barr Bengen, Dr. John Tait, and Patricia Gould are planning a special Summer Symposium on Wellness just for you!

Barbara Barr Bengen

We are planning something very special for the SaddleBrooke community this summer. In collaboration with Dr. John Tait, we are working on a Summer Symposium on wellness. We are still working on the details, so watch the papers and our email distribution list.

Plans for the symposium include speakers on a variety of topics important to your wellness. At present, there will be speakers on nutrition, golf performance, how to move your body for wellness, and the latest updates from primary care physicians and physical therapists.

This event will take place at the DesertView Performing Arts Center in SaddleBrooke. It is open to all SaddleBrooke residents. We are exploring dates in late June or early July. Keep your eyes out for upcoming details in the papers and in our email distribution list.

If you would like to keep informed on our upcoming events, programs, and classes, join our email distribution list. The information is only used to keep you informed on our wellness opportunities. To get on our email distribution list, just email your request to [email protected].