Karen Schickedanz
Come join your fellow Chicagoans for the SaddleBrooke Windy City Club’s fall gathering, a potluck from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 21 at HOA 1’s Tennis Patio.
Bring a hearty appetizer to share and a drink of your choosing. In addition to munching and schmoozing, take advantage of the nearby bocce ball courts that have been reserved for the evening. Be prepared for some friendly bocce ball competition, even if you have yet to learn the game. There might even be some prizes—but there will definitely be some laughs!
If you’ve already paid club dues for this year, there is no extra charge to attend the party. If you haven’t joined the club yet, you can pay the $5 per person dues at the event; however, reservations should be made by October 14 by contacting the club’s Social Chair Linda Schuttler at 468-2545 or KLSchuttler@gmail.com.
The SaddleBrooke Windy City Club is open to anyone living full or part-time in SaddleBrooke or SaddleBrooke Ranch who once lived in Chicago or its suburbs. For further information about the club, contact Membership Chair Joyce Sutay at 825-4220 or 1mallnut@gmail.com.