Windy City Friends Club forming

Dick Rouse

As we approach 2015 a number of former Chicago area residents have expressed an interest in forming a Chicagoland social group within HOA2. We would certainly like to hear from anyone having an interest in meeting others who have lived in the Chicago and/or suburban area to revisit old times and wonderful experiences in the Windy City. What better way to enjoy an evening in SaddleBrooke than to reminisce over a glass of wine or beer about those people back in the Midwest shoveling out of their most recent snow storm.

We are planning to schedule our kickoff meeting with this group in early February, 2015, at which time we will be hosting our initial social event. More particulars will be announced after we have heard from a number of you.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Bruce and Marilynn Davis at 520- 444-8930, or Dick and Linda Rouse at 520-393-1142, no later than December 5.