As we approach 2015, a number of former Chicago area residents have expressed an interest in forming a Chicagoland social group within HOA No. 2. We would certainly like to hear from anyone having an interest in meeting others who have lived in the Chicago and/or suburban area to revisit old times and wonderful experiences in the Windy City. What better way to enjoy an evening in SaddleBrooke than to reminisce over a glass of wine or beer about those people back in the Midwest shoveling out of their most recent snow storm.
We are planning to schedule our kick-off meeting with this group in early February 2015 at which time we will be hosting our initial social event. More particulars will be announced after we have heard from a number of you.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Dick and Linda Rouse at 520-393-1142; e-mail no later than January 9, 2015.