Windy City Club’s annual party set for February 20

SaddleBrooke Windy City Club members gathered last fall to cheer on the Chicago Cubs as they began their victory march to the World Series title; photo by Linda Schuttle

SaddleBrooke Windy City Club members gathered last fall to cheer on the Chicago Cubs as they began their victory march to the World Series title; photo by Linda Schuttle

Karen Schickedanz

Get ready to party with the SaddleBrooke Windy City Club at its big annual bash next month!

Although smaller events may occur during the year, the club’s main social event takes place in February so that full-timers and snowbirds can attend. The club is open to anyone in SaddleBrooke or SaddleBrooke Ranch who once lived in Chicago or its suburbs.

This year’s party will be Monday, February 20 at HOA 1’s Roadrunner Grill and will begin with a no-host bar (credit cards only) at 5:30 p.m. The buffet dinner at 6:15 p.m. will feature meat and vegetable lasagnas, Caesar salad, garlic bread, assorted cookies and water, iced tea, lemonade and coffee.

Reservations can be made by sending a $20 check per person, payable to SaddleBrooke Windy City Club, Bob Loeb, Treasurer, P.O. Box 8717, Tucson, Arizona 85738. (Please note the different zip code.) The deadline for reservations is Thursday, February 9.

If you paid club dues in 2016, you don’t have to pay any additional dues to attend the party; however, if you’re joining the SaddleBrooke Windy City Club for the first time, please include 2017 dues of $5 per person with your party payment.

For further information about SaddleBrooke Windy City Club, contact membership chair Joyce Sutay at 825-4220 or