Windy City Club hosts 2018 Valentine’s Day event



OK, what’s the Windy City Club? Well, it is folks from the Chicagoland and surrounding areas that get together throughout the year for what else but a party, food, and, of course you guessed it, adult beverages.

On February 17 Windy City folks got together for their fourth consecutive annual event, filled with conversation, games, food and fun.

Prior to the excellent dinner served up by the SaddleBrooke One Grill staff, the group played Valentine’s Day Trivia (Chicago Style), and following dinner played Bingo. Prior to each game the group wondered what the winners would win. Would it be tickets to the Cross-Town Classic, the Word Series, The Stanley Cup Finals (they could only wish), or perhaps a round trip ticket to Chicago for the summer?

Finally, when the prizes were awarded, all winners walked away with a bottle of wine.

Many thanks go out to all who helped make this a fun evening, with special thanks going to Club Chair Maureen Van Dorn and Social Chair Barb Wiwat, whose hard work up to the last minute helped pull everything together.

So, if you are currently, or at one-time called the Chicagoland area your home, and are interested in future events, please contact the club’s Membership Chair Joyce Sutay, at 825-4220 or