Buy a raffle ticket and get a chance to win a Wall of Wonder mural painted by Eve Fly as a set piece for Community Circle Players’ Eat, Drink and Be Deadly!
Karen Schickedanz
If you’ve ever admired one of Eve Fly’s Walls of Wonder, you have a chance to win one in connection with Community Circle Players’ February production of Eat, Drink and Be Deadly!
SaddleBrooke residents Eve and Stan Fly have been transforming ordinary walls into works of art throughout metro Tucson for 12 years. Samples of their work are on their website at www.wallsofwondersaddlebrooke.com. Eve is a classically trained fine artist who has taken painting classes in oil and watercolor throughout her life.
To help support community theater in SaddleBrooke, the Fly’s donated their services to create two of the set pieces for Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! and now those murals will be raffled off to theater patrons. The two murals are each seven feet high by four feet wide on a wooden frame.
Raffle tickets will cost $10 each, three for $25 or 15 for $100. They can be purchased only between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. in HOA 1’s lobby before the Eat, Drink and Be Deadly! performances on February 26, 27 and 28. Only cash and checks (preferred) will be accepted payment for the raffle ticket. Checks must be made out to SaddleBrooke Theatre Guild, with the memo line indicating the check is for Mural Raffle – CCP.
Proceeds from the raffle will go to Community Circle Players to purchase equipment such as a sound board, additional microphones and speakers.