Why Can’t We All Get Along?

Are you wondering why it seems people are so divided? Do you want to learn more about it and what you can do personally to help? Join us for a two-part forum conducted by Anthony Cicchino, Ed.D., and brought to you by the Fellowship for Social Justice.

The forum entitled “I’m Not Biased, You Are” will be held on the following dates:

Oct. 26: “Consciously Addressing Unconscious Bias”

Nov. 9: “Moving Forward Together”

Both sessions will be from 6 to 8 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom, 38759 S. Mountain View Blvd., SaddleBrooke, AZ 85739.

During the first session, we will learn about the different kinds of bias, how bias can create privilege for certain groups of people, and how we can learn to recognize our unconscious words and actions that may be hurting other people. During the second session, we will learn how bias, and the privilege that comes with it, has created a system that affects certain groups, and learn ways that we can change our own behavior to create that drop in the pond that starts a ripple of change.

Cicchino is a curriculum developer for higher education and holds a master’s and a doctorate in education. He has worked with and presented in schools for seven years in various venues and on many topics, including mental health, student engagement, and assessment improvement. He volunteers with local organizations, such as Tu Nidito grief services and National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Arizona. His mission is to allow others to feel that it is okay to not be okay and encourage them to share their stories.

The Fellowship for Social Justice is a relatively new community organization. We support each other as we discuss and learn about social justice issues and topics. We educate ourselves on how we can be advocates and look for ways that we can help victims.

If you have questions, contact Mike Bubla at mbubla@wbhsi.net.