What’s New at B’nai Midbar?

Melanie Einbund

Our February services were led by Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, assisted by Eliyanah Powers and Joshua Nichols. We welcomed our new Torah with the hope for peace to embrace our community and Israel. A special presentation of our new Torah was made to the congregation by Rabbi Seltzer. Many thanks to the committee, as well as the congregation who supported this effort.

In celebration, the board of directors will sponsor the Oneg in gratitude to all who have made B’nai Midbar (transliterated: B’nay Meedbar, meaning “The People of the Desert”) their place of worship.

Please note that the next Shabbat services are on March 22 and April 19.

The Oneg for March 22 is sponsored by Melanie and Nate Einbund, Marilyn Anthony and Willy Halpert, and Bruce and Yvette Sabulsky. We celebrate March birthdays and Nate and Melanie’s 35th wedding anniversary last September. Well, all good things come in time.

The April services will be preceded by a cocktail party to celebrate and honor Rabbi Seltzer’s tenure with our congregation. At 92 years, he has decided to “retire.” Any guesses on how long that will last? The Oneg will be sponsored by Rabbi Seltzer’s wife Rita Polack.

If you wish to sponsor an Oneg for a special event, remembrance, or celebration, contact Judi Friedman at [email protected].

Our Tu B’shvat Seder, a service of warmth and remembrance as we eat the fruits from trees, was held on Jan. 28. Thirty attendees, lots of fruit, nuts, and grape juice accompanied the celebration in prayer, song, and laughter. Eva Friedner led the service with her pathos, warm voice, and welcoming heart. Our thanks go to IMPACT of Southern Arizona who lent their facilities to us in our time of need.

When I came to SaddleBrooke, I brought a tradition of giving attendees at Rosh Hashanah morning services a honey cake. Honey cakes symbolize a sweet and happy new year. More than 80 honey cakes were baked and given to the congregation this past Rosh Hashanah. I wanted to recognize those honey cake bakers at a Saturday brunch. We finally met in January. There were many comments as we ate a variety of foods. We thought about how we can make things better. We even wore our new chef’s aprons and hats. Many thanks to all of the volunteers for their warm smiles and cakes!

Oh! And there is a job opening! I have asked that a member of our congregation become the Honey Cake Baker coordinator—no baking, just coordinating. Please contact me at [email protected] if interested.

On March 24 we celebrate Purim, the story of Wicked Haman who convinces King Ahasuerus to have the Jews killed. Encouraged by her cousin Mordechai, Queen Esther, the king’s wife, risks her life to intercede on her people’s behalf. King Ahasuerus reverses the decree, and the Jewish people are saved from death and destruction.

March brings us Purim and St. Patrick’s Day! We hope that your hamantaschen (a three-corned, jelly-filled pastry) and corned beef are superb and plentiful!

B’nai Midbar is a small and welcoming congregation. If you have questions or wish to join our congregation, please feel free to contact Esta Goldstein at 520-825-1181 for information.