Western Partners Dance Class
Jane Gromelski
You’ve seen others dancing on the floor, now see how easy it is; we invite you to come and learn the Texas Two-Step and the Western Waltz and experience a boot stomping, ground pounding good time! Our next series of Beginners’ classes will start Wednesday, October 19 in the MountainView Ballroom at 6:00 p.m. The series of five hour-long classes will continue on October 26 and November 2, 9 and 16. The series costs $40 per couple. Western Dance is the easiest dance style to learn and classes are relaxed and fun. If you can walk, you can dance! Our students leave classes smiling. You will be ready to attend and dance at the first Western Dance Club dance on Sunday, November 13.
Dancing is good for the mind and the body; it keeps you young at heart. How many other sports allow you to hold your partner in your arms as you participate? We recommend smooth leather soled shoes or boots; no sandals please. Contact Jane to reserve a space in the class; information below. Please let me know if you intend to participate; contact information is necessary so I can notify you of schedule changes.
Intermediate dance classes will start at 7:00 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom and run for the same dates. The Intermediate series is the same price as the Beginners, $40 per couple. We will share our new steps as well as review the old steps. We will include a few Partner Pattern dances in these classes. They are fun, addictive and offer a change of pace for dancers. If you’ve seen our intermediate dancers you know they have learned some intriguing patterns and have a lot of fun dancing them. We will also have Partner Pattern dance classes on Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m.
Western Partners Dance Club, a separate entity, has scheduled dances in 2016 with Branded Duo on Sunday, November 13 in the MountainView Ballroom, Monday with Wild Ride on December 5 and a New Year’s Eve dance on December 31 with Branded Duo for a limited number of dancers. Tickets for the November 13 dance will be available from me in October. We will have a cash bar but no food service. The tickets are $15 per person. For non-club members there is an additional $5 ticket charge.
The club also has scheduled dances in 2017 on January 26, February 17, March 23 and April 7. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss the fun.
Membership in the Partners Western Dance Club is $15 per person. Non-members are also welcome to attend our dances but a premium of $5 per ticket is added to each ticket.
Grab your partner and some friends and come join the growing number of Western dancers here in SaddleBrooke.
Dance instructors are Jane and Stan Gromelski, SaddleBrooke residents. For information email: janewesterndance@aol.com or call 818-3761 after October 1.
Club website: SBPartnersWesternDance.wordpress.com.