Wellness Integrated Network: Natural Hacks to Support Memory

Barbara Barr

Do you feel like your mind, or the mind of your loved one, is just not working like it used to? Do you worry about yourself, or a loved one, that is just not as “sharp” as a few years back? Or do you or your loved one forget things, lose items, have a hard time organizing things, or have a hard time finding the correct word? While age-related cognitive decline might seem inevitable, it doesn’t have to be! The formula for supporting our brain and memory is simple. Discover how good nutrition and healthy habits can support our memory throughout our lifespan. Kim Tzintzun, nutritional health coach for Natural Grocers, has some solutions for you.

Join us on Friday, Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. in the Sonoran Room to find out strategies to improve your mind. Kim Tzintzun has great information on improving your memory. Kimberly graduated from The University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona, with a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences. Kimberly has co-authored and published peer-reviewed articles to provide her community with a better understanding of health-related topics. Kimberly’s passion is to educate the community on health and wellness, and to support them in making healthy, positive lifestyle changes for themselves and their families.

Kim Tzintzun, as well as a host of other professionals will be featured speakers at our monthly meetings in SaddleBrooke. SaddleBrooke residents, Patricia Gould and Barbara Barr have formed a group to build a community of like-minded learners who desire to know more about wellness. The group will feature professionals to discuss a wide range of wellness topics. The “Wellness Integrated Network of SaddleBrooke” or W.I.N offers SaddleBrooke residents an opportunity to learn from a wide variety of professionals in the area of wellness and medicine.

Please note the location and time for this program. We are back on schedule to our regular first Friday at 10 a.m. in the Sonoran Room at MountainView. SaddleBrooke’s interest in wellness has far surpassed our wildest expectations. We have had to move some our meetings to the MountainView Ballroom. As the ballroom is constantly booked for SaddleBrooke events, the wellness meetings will take place at a variety of dates and times when the larger rooms are available. Members and interested visitors should watch for dates and information in the SaddleBrooke papers and other announcements.

The Wellness Integrated Network is open to all SaddleBrooke residents. Come join our community of learners as we find out how to make our golden years even brighter. Watch for details in the papers and other announcements. You can also contact Patricia Gould or Barbara Barr at [email protected] or call Barbara at 520-358-1111 or Patti at 808-281-9001.