Want to become a Master Gardener?

Barb Nicholson

Master Gardeners are your neighbors and friends who have taken it upon themselves to complete the requirements for Master Gardener certification. If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer, then you are invited to enroll in the Master Gardener Training Course for the fall of 2017. This is an intensive 15-week lecture series given by your local Master Gardeners and guest lecturers from the University of Arizona and other sources. The classes will take place at SaddleBrooke Ranch starting Friday, September 22, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. Some of the many topics to be covered include botany, soils, irrigation, desert adapted plants, cacti/succulents, citrus, pest management and much more. The course fee is $120 and includes all materials as well as a Master Gardener Manual from the University of Arizona cooperative extension.

Becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer means that you are willing to devote some time to helping your friends and neighbors with their plant and landscape problems. Some of the Master Gardeners actually do house-calls to people who need help. Many Master Gardeners are involved in providing community lectures for the benefit of all residents. Some Master Gardeners help students at the Mountain Vista Elementary School in their school garden. The mission of Master Gardeners is to provide education to the public with regard to any and all gardening issues.

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of high desert gardening and helping your community look better with healthy plants and trees, then you might consider joining this program. For more information, contact Barb Nicholson at BBradNic51@aol.com or 520-825-4266.

Your Master Gardeners invite you to visit their new website: http://saddlebrookemastergardeners.org/ for all up-to-date information and events for our SaddleBrooke/SaddleBrooke Ranch communities.