Vocalocity Barbershop Quartet Returns to SaddleBrooke!

Vocalocity quartet

Bruce Kistler

The SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus is pleased to once again feature the Vocalocity barbershop quartet, back by popular demand, as the guest artist for our upcoming Christmas concert on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at the DesertView Performing Arts Center in SaddleBrooke! Vocalocity, plus our own chorus and quartets, will each bring their unique “a cappella” harmonies for you to enjoy. The songs presented will be familiar Christmas music, along with year-round traditional and nontraditional barbershop favorites, all presented with exciting barbershop harmonies to kick off your holiday season!

Our guest artist Vocalocity regularly receives standing ovations for their quality singing and entertaining performances. The members have decades of combined quartet and singing experience in such noteworthy barbershop quartets as Masterpiece, High Priority, Vocal Edition, and King Street Blues. In 2019, Vocalocity won both the Arizona Quartet and the Far Western District Quartet Championships of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and in 2023, they were third-place medalists in the inaugural SPPBSQSUS Worldwide Barbershop Quartet contest in San Antonio, Texas. If you heard them sing as part of our concert last year, I know you’ll want to hear them again at our upcoming concert. Many in last year’s audience said that the harmonies of Vocalocity went beyond “just barbershop,” to being a fantastic musical experience. And if you missed their performance last year, be sure to get your tickets early for this year’s concert!

Of course, since the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus is sponsoring the Nov. 29 concert, our chorus and quartets will take the opportunity to share our musical talents with you too! You will hear selections sung by the Desert Blend and Catalina Keynotes quartets, and our small but enthusiastic chorus will blend their voices on such favorites as “Rock Around the Clock,” “White Christmas,” and “Silent Night.”

We are delighted to combine the voices of Vocalocity with the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus for this concert. These are men who love to sing and whose voices will welcome the holiday season in barbershop style. If you love to hear men sing barbershop harmonies or just want to hear great music, then this is the concert for you!

For more information about our upcoming performance, or if you are interested in joining the SaddleBrooke Barbershop Chorus, please contact Bruce Kistler at 520-306-2113 or visit our website at www.saddlebrookebarbershopchorus.org.