Vista UMC Partners with Coronado K-8 School

Linda Galka, Nancy Yob, and Diane Coleman

Vista UMC is answering the call to feed hungry tummies through our Snak Pak Program at the Coronado K-8 School here in Catalina. In concert with Santa Catalina Catholic Church, we help to provide weekly weekend meals/snacks to 60 students who might otherwise have limited or no foodstuffs to eat while away from the school environment. Volunteers from both churches and local neighborhoods gather at the school on the last Wednesday of each month to pack 240 bags to cover these 60 students for the course of one month. These students have been selected by the school social worker based on eligibility and greatest need. Contained in each plastic bag, which is tagged with a sticker indicating these are gifts from the two churches, are carefully selected, nutritionally appropriate, non-perishable items. These include one macaroni and cheese or ravioli cup/can, tuna or chicken salad with crackers, three packages of instant oatmeal, three Nutri-Grain fruit and cereal bars, two fruit snacks, two packages of peanut butter and crackers, two chewy granola bars, one Ramen noodles, and one Smartfood popcorn snack.

The greatest area of need for the continuation of this valuable program is monetary gifts. It is no secret that food costs continue to soar, making it much more difficult to stretch a dollar to fund what is needed. In addition to monies budgeted to fund the program, special fundraisers and special offerings in the churches support the ongoing funding of the Snak Pak Program.

You can’t imagine how very thankful the children are who benefit from this program. Vista has always faithfully and heartily supported this program with monies and by providing volunteers to serve this ministry and, most importantly, has kept the program in prayers that young people might be fed, nutritionally and spiritually. Thank you, everyone, for lighting up children’s faces and feeding hungry tummies!

Vista volunteers meet every fourth Friday to pack the bags. If you are interested in joining us, email Diane Coleman at

A new program that began in the Fall of 2024 at Coronado School supports their teachers. In August we helped with the Fall Teacher Kick-off Breakfast. In September we supported Hydration Day and donated 186 bottles of water. On Oct. 25 our volunteers participated in Coronado Trunk or Treat and made two deliveries of candy.

Vista UMC is located at 3001 E. Miravista Lane on the west side of Oracle Road just south of Golder Ranch Road. Our Sunday Service is at 10 a.m. every Sunday. Our phone number is 520-825-1985.