Upcoming events at Community Church at SaddleBrooke

Connie Saiz

Diaper Drive

Two of CCSB’s mission targets, Emerge and Center Against Domestic Abuse in Tucson and Family First Pregnancy Care Center in Oracle have a great need for diapers on a daily basis. We will be collecting them in July but if you need them picked up please contact Cathy Scott at 825-0775 or cathygbu@yahoo.com and she will pick them up. The request is for sizes 4, 5, 6T, pull-ups and adult diapers, size large.

Appetizer/Ice Cream Social

It is a double dipper! Join us on Tuesday, July 21 at 5:30 p.m. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center for an appetizer and homemade ice cream social. Bring an appetizer, homemade or store bought ice cream or toppings to share plus your own beverage. Plan to join both old and new friends in an evening of fun and fellowship. All are welcome

Pastor Appreciation Picnic

Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 18. Community Church will be celebrating National Pastor Appreciation Month. A picnic luncheon at the Mesquite Grill is being planned. All are welcome.

Ladies Fall Fun Event

The Women’s Ministry Team invites all ladies to save the date of Thursday, October 1 for a Ladies Fall Fun Event to be held locally at the Wycliffe Conference Center in Catalina. More details will be forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you there. All are welcome