United SaddleBrooke Board
About 30 people attended the Aug. 16 community information meeting of United SaddleBrooke, an organization devoted to the unification of SaddleBrooke government. The audience was treated to an interview by President Bill Bengen with SaddleBrooke One Board Director Kathleen Sartoris, after which attendees had the opportunity to ask questions. The theme of Kathleen’s appearance was “What’s it like to be an HOA board director?”
Kathleen, who was elected to the SaddleBrooke One Board last November, is obviously passionate about her responsibilities. She spends about 15 hours per week on her job. She takes it upon herself to visit many committee meetings and spends much of her time “learning the ropes” about how HOA governance works. Formerly a member of the recently decommissioned (boooo!) SaddleBrooke One Long-range Planning Committee, Kathleen is a strong advocate of the role of strategic planning in HOA governance. The audience appreciated Kathleen’s intelligent and articulate comments, giving her a big round of applause at the conclusion of her appearance.
United SaddleBrooke will host its next Community Information meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at the Mesquite Catalina Room in SaddleBrooke TWO at 2:30 p.m. The primary focus will be the upcoming HOA board elections. Candidates and their positions on unification, strategic planning, and other critical governance issues will be discussed. Both HOA boards received an infusion of new blood in the 2022 elections, and those new directors are already making a difference. We need to continue the process of “New Blood, New Ideas” so that SaddleBrooke, among other things, can reclaim the high rankings among retirement communities it once received on Internet surveys.
Bengen, a world-renowned financial advisor, announced his Oct. 24 seminar on the topic “The 4% Rule & Your Retirement.” More than 120 residents have already RSVP’d their intention to attend the free event, which will take place at the DesertView Theater on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 1 p.m. His research on “How not to run out of money in retirement” is used by thousands of financial advisors around the world. If you’re interested in attending, please visit our website www.unitedsaddlebrooke.org and RSVP under the “Events” tab.
As a SaddleBrooke One- and SaddleBrooke TWO-sanctioned club, United SaddleBrooke promotes the unification of the two HOA associations. For information about our mission, meetings, blogs, articles, membership, and upcoming events, please visit www.unitedsaddlebrooke.org or email us at contactus@unitedsaddlebrooke.org.