Snakes, Bobcats, Coyotes, Packrats—Oh My!
Candace Brockey and Claudia Amaral
On a very warm Tuesday afternoon, 50 homeowners in Unit 3N joined in a happy hour to enjoy adult beverages, appetizers, and friendship. After a brief business meeting, the group was introduced to our guest speakers Jim Cloer and Tom Dowell. Both are members of the Catalina State Park Nature Program and came with a presentation we titled “Snakes & Varmints: Identification for Beginners.”
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Catalina Nature Program. This program was founded 22 years ago by naturalist Jim Cloer. You may recognize Jim’s name due to his “Jim’s Corner” held every Tuesday at 8 a.m. in the RoadRunner Grill. These programs are offered from October through April and offer a children’s table. The Catalina Nature Program is all about entertaining and educating all who visit the park about the flora and fauna of the Sonoran Desert. Many of the Catalina Nature Program members and their families reside in SaddleBrooke.
For the Unit 3N event, Jim and Tom brought a king snake (confined to an aquarium), a packrat (confined to a humane trap), and a Gila monster (which all of us thought was real until Jim and Tom explained it was not, with a sigh of relief from the group). Every question asked was answered. Many questions were about packrats (what to do), bobcats (what to do when they make their home in your yard), and snakes (good/bad/what to do, who to call). But at the end of the day, the takeaway was the responsibilities we, the homeowners, have living and coexisting in the Sonoran Desert and the many animals we share our world with.

The first-place team in the Unit 4 Putting Contest was (left to right): Tom Cluley, Stan Fly, Heather Griffin, and Steve Kotke. (Photo by Connie Kotke)
Unit 4 Knows How to Putt!
The annual Putting Contest and Burger Night event for Unit 4 was held on May 2. Six teams of four friendly folks were raring to go on the main putting green in SaddleBrooke One. After a quick review of the rules for hitting and scoring, the teams spread out among 18 holes, each with its own challenging layout. Shouts and laughter arose when someone hit the ball in on the first try. Putting veteran Stan Fly had the most holes-in-one with a total of three.
Cash prizes were awarded for the top two teams. The first-place team (with a total score of 152) was comprised of Heather Griffin, Tom Cluley, Stan Fly, and Steve Kotke. The second-place team (with a total score of 156) included Dick Ashwood, Lydia O’Connor, Janet Robinson, and Don Arritola.
After the match, putters joined other Unit 4 residents in Vistas for burgers and other treats. Herman Haenert won $75 in the 50/50 raffle, which he generously donated back to the unit to support some of the other activities we have coming up this year.
Congratulations, everyone!

Joyce Johnson, Bob Tibor, and Kathy Rambur won first prize in the putting contest.contest.
Unit 5 and 11 Swing Into Spring at a Putting Party and Dinner
Greg Diment
The SaddleBrooke One putting green was a hotbed of activity when Unit 5 and 11 residents teed off for an evening of laughter, competition, and connection on May 10. With more than 50 residents in attendance, the putting contest and dinner proved to be a hole-in-one event.
Before the sun dipped below the horizon, teams lined up for their chance at golfing glory, spouting good-natured banter and cheers. The trio of Bob Tibor, Joyce Johnson, and Kathy Rambur emerged victorious, clinching the coveted first-place prize with an impressive score of 41. Yet it wasn’t just about the numbers. Prizes were also bestowed upon the best-dressed team, the masters of “aces,” and (our favorite) “Wait ’til Next Year” award for the team with the highest score.
Transitioning from the greens to the dinner gathering, participants reconvened at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center for a feast fit for champions. The fragrant aroma of lasagna and garlic toast filled the air, mingling with the sounds of animated conversation and laughter.
In the spirit of unity, Units 5 and 11 have united for social activities on numerous occasions, strengthening the bonds that tie us together as neighbors and friends. From the spirited putting competition to a Super Bowl potluck buffet and holiday dinner dance, each event is an opportunity for longtime residents to socialize and welcome newcomers to the fold.
Here’s to many more evenings filled with good times and good friends in Units 5 and 11!

Unit 17 really knows how to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. (Photo by Linda Gray)
Unit 17 Celebrates Cinco de Mayo
Barbara Barr Bengen
Unit 17 started the summer season with a bang during our annual Cinco de Mayo party. This year Dawn Tankersley and Larry Peters hosted the event at their home. In the 50/50 raffle, Craig Hartman won again and went home with more money than he had when he came, again. Talk about being a lucky guy!
Residents of Unit 17 should watch their email for information on upcoming summer events. There will be Patio Parties at The Preserve, breakfasts, and a lot of fun! You don’t want to miss these opportunities to gather with your neighbors.
Unit 25 Kentucky Derby Party
Ron Mazurek
They came to run! And run they did to the home of Ron and Sheila Mazurek for a Unit 25 Derby Party on May 4! Twenty-seven enthusiastic participants dressed up and gathered for a fun-filled afternoon that featured opportunities to place friendly bets on the race, play a horse race game, and enjoy lively chat and a terrific spread of food that included pulled pork, beans, pasta salad, coleslaw, and fruit salad. Of course, adult beverages were also served under a gorgeous, sunny afternoon sky and beautiful mountain views.
Attendees all voted for the Best Ladies’ Hat and Gentleman’s Attire. First place for Best Ladies’ Hat went to Sheila Mazurek, while the prize for Gentleman’s Attire went to Joe Pomerantz. Sheila won a nice bottle of champagne and chocolates, and Joe won a bottle of Woodford Reserve bourbon.
Things got really crazy during a race, which was photo-finish close, to provide plenty of racing excitement. When the bets were tabulated for payout and announcements made, everyone was amazed to learn that Roger Beard correctly chose all top three finishing horses! Partiers then topped things off with some nice desserts and a 50/50 drawing. Next up was a Chicago Hot Dog Party at the end of May!
Unit 25 Boyz n Beerz/Women n Wine
Ron Mazurek
The folks at Unit 25 had dueling events the evening of April 25, with the men attending the residence of Norm Hall for Boyz n Beerz, while the ladies gathered at the residence of Becky Kueker. Both hosts provided a welcoming setting, with light snacks to go along with adult beverages. While the ladies chatted and caught up on current events, the gents made use of Norm’s putting green for some lighthearted competition. A most terrific way to spend a mid-spring evening!

On the patio at the Grinstead Snack and Chat (photo by Sue Case)
Unit 27 Activities
Sue Case
PJ and Terry Turner hosted the April Snack and Chat on April 27 before taking off for the summer. It was perfect timing, as many of those attending the event were also preparing to leave for the summer or for shorter vacation trips. The weather was sunny and brisk, although folks gathered mostly outside. PJ is known for her effervescent personality, and one day while she and Terry were walking their dogs, they saw neighbors Judi and Jerry Wilkerson and “recruited” them to attend the Snack and Chat. And they came! It was good for Judi and Jerry to be out, and it looked like they were enjoying themselves.
The food offerings were perfect for the weather, with several hearty appetizers, sandwiches, and desserts. However, the main attraction was the margaritas made in the industrial-strength blender by Joe and Lynda Dolejs, with help from Rick Grinstead. Joe and Lynda have usually made their margaritas at the annual Unit 27 spring Block Party. However, there was no Block Party this year. It was very nice of them to keep up this welcomed tradition, even under different circumstances.
The May Snack and Chat was hosted by Janie and Rick Grinstead on May 17. The weather was perfect, and many of those attending spent the evening outdoors, except when they went through the food line. The food offerings included several salads of various types, along with lots of appetizers and yummy desserts, including a cherry pie brought by Dave Strief and decadent brownies made and brought by Mary Clark. Much of the conversation centered on the various upcoming vacation plans of the attendees, from Latin America to South Africa to Switzerland, and many stops in between. We are a well-traveled group.
Janie and Rick recently added a multi-heritage rescue dog to their family. His name is Stetson, and he joined the party on a leash after the food had been served. As all their rescue dogs have been, he was friendly and seemed to get along with everyone. He was a good ambassador for rescue dogs, and Janie and Rick are to be commended for their commitment.

Rick Carlson and Dan Fristoe
Unit 29 Celebrates Cinco de Mayo!
Debbie McGeehan
Rick Carlson and Dan Fristoe hosted their annual Mexican fiesta at their house and, not surprising, it was amazing! First off, they set the mood in their Cinco de Mayo costumes. There were piñatas hanging from the ceiling fan and Mexican straw hats flying in the breeze off of their ramada. It was a bit of a breezy day. They proved once again that they love throwing parties!
We have a small unit made up of wonderful cooks and outstanding bakers. There was an abundance of yummy Mexican casseroles. The cakes and cookies were beautiful, moist, and so delicious. We are very fortunate to have Lynne Austin, a bread maker who shares her various homemade breads with all the neighbors. On this occasion, she made jalapeño bread, which was enjoyed by all.
How did we quench our thirsts? Margaritas, of course! Rick and Dan did a good job of keeping that dispenser filled! Some brought their beverage of choice. By 7 p.m. everyone had enough to eat and drink and was ready to retire for the night.
It was another memorable Unit 29 event. Thank you, Rick and Dan!
Unit 30 Has a Successful Block Party
Andrea Gray
On April 30, Unit 30 had a block party for its residents. Our unit has changed dramatically in the last few years, and the block party was a great opportunity for our new and older homeowners to gather together in an informal setting to get to know each other better.
Our Social Committee, Sue Baysinger, Elaine Fagan, Marcia Gilbert, and Karen Turcott, did a wonderful job planning and setting up the event in the Gilberts’ garage. Residents brought delicious food for all to enjoy, and a great time was had by all.
Unit 42
Tim Gaule
Nineteen residents from Unit 42 had an enjoyable evening on May 17 dining at The Preserve restaurant. We had a mix of newcomers and longtime Unit 42 residents. We also welcomed new residents Bill and Kathy Mathews. There are plans for future Unit 42 social gatherings. Watch your email for details! We hope to schedule another Unit 42 dinner later this summer.