Unit 9 Spring Flings—A Blast!
Martha Baker
Spring came in like a lion, roaring with exciting events for residents of Unit 9. All orchestrated under the social prowess of Unit 9 representative Ann Adams, 11 events catered to residents’ delights from March 29 through June 16.
Don Thomas gathered all interested menfolk for the monthly Men’s Breakfast at the RoadRunner Grill. Stories of golf course conquests, road trips, and the Car Show created a dull roar in between bites of scrumptious breakfast fare.
Between 30 and 40 jolly types came to the Vista dining room each month for Unit 9 Happy Hour. The wait staff earns kudos for keeping bar glasses filled and tummies content!
The big (yes, record-setting) event this spring was a Chili Fest held May 13, at which 78 happy 9ers reveled on the tennis patio. Thanks to all the chili cooks and to those who brought bread, salads, and desserts. It was certainly a boisterous occasion, and for many, a seasonal send-off to those departing for “other” homes.
Thanks to Marcia Keim’s organizing, the ladies of Unit 9 gathered on April 1 at Judy Kincaid’s home for a BYO salad event, at SaddleBrooke Ranch on May 11, and on June 8 at Bottega Michelangelo. Lots of smiles and happy chatter ensued as ladies caught up with all the news of their neighbors.
Without a doubt, Unit 9 is on top of the social game, caring and sharing among the neighbors.
Unit 10A Celebrates July 4
Unit 10A was decked out in red, white, and blue on Monday, July 4. A second-year gathering, hosted by Gerry and Jan Handler and Melanie and Nate Einbund, took off on a very positive note. Schyrl Cullen decorated the event, and we came off looking very professional and well done. Friends and neighbors enjoyed coffee, doughnuts, and fruit. Spirits ran high among us. Conversation was vibrant and non-stop. Introductions were made by those new to the unit. It is nice to learn about your neighbors. Visits and reuniting with those who haven’t been here for a while were welcome and heartfelt. The spirit of our country carried throughout the event. In all, after the doughnuts, coffee, and friendship, many smiles were seen.
Unit 17 Celebrates Summer

Some of the Unit 17 residents get ready to dig into delectable salads and decadent desserts prepared for our annual salad and dessert event.
Barbara Barr
Residents of Unit 17 joyfully celebrated the official start of summer with a Salad and Dessert Party at the home of Faith Fromson. Faith has graciously hosted this delightful annual event at her home for a number of years. Each year, the neighbors enjoy an incredible array of delicious salads, along with an outstanding assortment of decadent desserts. Each resident brings only their best salad and dessert dishes to share with the unit. This year’s event did not disappoint. Many residents reported they ate so much salad that they had to take home a doggy bag with desserts for later.
Next up is our annual Ice Cream Social. And we have room for a few more innovative parties, as we love to meet regularly and enjoy new ideas. If you would like to host a gathering, contact Brenda Seamans. Her contact information is available in our Unit Directory.
Unit 27 Activities
Sue Case
Jan and Ron Talbot gamely hosted the monthly Snack and Chat on June 25, shortly before leaving town. They are always willing to throw a party, and this Snack and Chat attracted a crowd that was large for the time of year. Mother Nature helped out by providing an evening that was conducive to spending time outdoors, which several attendees did. Among them were Jane and Greg Zielske who brought their two granddaughters. The little girls look so much like Jane that no one could have mistaken them as belonging to anyone else!
As the saying goes, “It takes a village ….” That was proven true again when our neighbor Bengt Carlson fell inside his house. Darlene Breitenfeld noticed something amiss and went to check. She was able to call the fire department who took him to the hospital. After a couple of surgeries, he is rehabbing in a local assisted living facility. Darlene regularly visited Bengt in the hospital and at the rehab facility and was able to facilitate various personal arrangements for him. When Darlene had to leave on a previously planned trip, Jan and Ron Talbot took over the visitations. Coincidentally, Darlene is the Unit 27 “Sunshine” person, which usually means she sends cards to residents who are sick or hospitalized. We are sure that Bengt appreciates the sunshine he has received from his neighbors, and we wish him a speedy recovery.
New (and former) Unit 27 neighbors Janie and Rick Grinstead had moved to another state but realized that that was a mistake and returned to SaddleBrooke. Luckily for them and us, the timing of sale and purchase went fairly smoothly. However, they were graciously helped by neighbors Fira Stout, who gave them a place to stay for a few days; Mary and Dick Clark, who gave their cat a place to stay; and Eileen and Jeff Depka, who helped move out a house full of furniture and other items that the previous owners had left to make room for the Grinsteads and their pets and furnishings. Welcome home, Janie and Rick, and many thanks to all the Unit 27 residents who helped make their move a success!