Unit 3-S welcomes snowbirds
Unit 3-S welcomes snowbirds back to SaddleBrooke
Nearly 40 residents of Unit 3-S gathered together in the Agave Lounge on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019, to welcome back snowbirds and meet new residents in SaddleBrooke. A good time was had by all.

Hilda “The Dealer” Klyde and Floyd “Bug Man” Roman.

Ken “Drip” Ratcliff.
Unit 3-S Halloween costume party
Steve Bellacqua
Ghosts, goblins and witches hovered around the home of Sandy and Steve Rosen on Halloween night in Unit 3-S. There were 44 costumed party goers who enjoyed the food and fun at this “frightening” event.
Unit 16’s Dancin’ in the Street party
Keith McLean
Mother Nature blessed us with a sunny, slightly breezy October afternoon for our annual Dancin’ in the Street potluck party. Sixty-five neighbors joined in the fun, dancing to the live music of the Wild Ride band, that kept us on our feet past sunset. It’s a great way to welcome back our winter neighbors and introduce new neighbors to our fun-loving Unit 16. Once again, a big thank you to Joyce Garcia who opened her garage so that we had ample space for the tables that held the scrumptious food. From salad to dessert, everyone enjoyed the variety of entree’s and we look forward to swinging again next year. More fun activities are planned as we celebrate the upcoming holiday season.
Unit 17
Mary Gelinas
Donations from residents helped to make the season memorable for children of Eastern Pinal County, Catalina, and San Carlos Indian Reservations and their families. Since 2002 Unit 17 has raised over $42,000.
This year, Brenda Seaman headed up unit 17’s part of the Adopt a Family Program. She took the helm over from Corky Bosch, who had spearheaded the activity for many years. The donations, volunteers, and attention to detail are what has made this program so successful. Some of the volunteers have helped since the program started; it was great that new people who have moved to the unit helped too.
Timing was important. Unit 17ers gave donations by Dec. 1; shoppers picked out special gifts for the children and their families, and then volunteers wrapped the gifts and readied them for drop-off. The list of families was available around Thanksgiving; shopping and wrapping were completed by December 6.

Judges Ron Morris and Ron Andrea helped the “players” pick the best five cards from the seven collected and lay out their best poker hand. The top three women and men each received a bottle of wine for their “skill” in coming up with the best hands.
Unit 21’s annual Poker Run another successful event
Jim Hagedon
What could be a better way to spend a beautiful October evening than a golf-cart ride to seven homes supporting Unit 21’s annual Poker Run. Each of the residents/“dealers” provided a playing card to “players” to be used later in making a poker hand. The “dealers” at each home, however, also provided snacks and liquid refreshments to make the long drive around the Unit less stressful!
According to co-chairs Judy Saks and Pat Huska, 45 folks participated in the event. When all seven playing cards in sealed envelopes were in hand, everyone proceeded to the RoadRunner Grill for the official judging of the best five-card poker hand. Ron Morris and Ron Andrea handled the judging.
Before the winners were announced, a great dinner of lasagna and all the fixin’s was served up on the patio by the RoadRunner staff. The tension built during the meal, but finally the time came for Judy Saks to announce the winners. The top three poker hands netted a bottle of wine for both the women and men participants.
Yet another great evening of fun, food, and fellowship was made possible by Judy, Pat, the two Rons, and all of the “dealers” and volunteers who pitched in to help. And did I mention the beautiful weather?
Unit 29 news
Debbie McGeehan
Who says Halloween isn’t fun for adults? Our dedicated and talented social committee organized a potluck celebration at the tennis pavilion on Oct. 26. There were good witches and bad witches and one even had a real witch’s broom from Salem, Mass!
Sandy Seppala, Gayle VanNatter, and Sandy Miller decorated the tables in Halloween fashion. There were tables dressed in orange and black lit up with candles and ghosts and goblins!
Jim Seppala and Tony VanNatter were “Top Chefs” on the grill. Everyone enjoyed the brats and hotdogs as there were only four remaining! Appetites were satisfied with plenty of delicious side dishes and desserts galore! Our thirsts were quenched with two kegs of beer set up by Jack McIntyre and ???.
It was a memorable evening thanks to the hard work of our social committee. Mark your calendars for the Christmas Dinner Dance on Monday, Dec. 2!

Pat Olson having fun with a spooky Halloween musician at Karen and Don Erickson’s house; photo by Ron Talbot.
Unit 27 activities
Sue Case
Karen and Don Erickson hosted the October Snack and Chat on a Thursday, just so the Unit residents could celebrate Halloween. Most of the attendees got into the spirit and arrived in costume; and everyone seemed to enjoy the festive occasion. Karen and Don had decorated their yard and house with lots of ghoulish creatures and other seasonal décor. In fact, Karen was forced to take some of her decorations off the serving counter in order to make room for all the food that was brought by those attending. Thanks, Karen, for your grace and flexibility!
Fira Stout arranged another Dine Around for the unit on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at the Oracle Inn Steakhouse. Close to 30 people represented Unit 27 that night, several dressed in western attire. Those new to the area were quite interested in the history of the Oracle Inn; and everyone enjoyed the food.
A very well-attended Snack and Chat was hosted by Flo and Dan Weiler on Saturday, Nov. 16. The weather was so nice that both the outside and the inside were full of people—and there was lots of food! The Weilers were the perfect hosts, and catered to the needs of all their guests.
This was the last Snack and Chat for 2019. The next event will be in January. Watch for details.
The end of the year, as well as the decade, is a time to celebrate our friendly unit, and especially all the folks who give their time to making our unit so welcoming. In particular: Unit Representative, Jeff Depka; Unit Social Chairman, Ron Talbot; and Dine Around and Bocce Coordinator, Fira Stout. However, as the saying goes, “It takes a village;” and there are many other unsung heroes and heroines in Unit 27, without whose hard work and dedication we would not have the opportunities we do to meet and get to know each other, nor would we be so well informed about the SaddleBrooke community. Thanks to all of you!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Unit 49 honors our veterans
Maureen Edelblut
Monday, Nov. 11 was a beautiful day in the desert. About sixty unit 49ers gathered at Catalina State Park for games, lunch, and mostly to celebrate and honor our neighbors who are veterans. The picnic is an annual affair and always one of our most popular events.
We enjoyed a delicious meal – fried chicken, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, corn muffins, and assorted bite-sized desserts. Yummy! There were several fun games (original creations of some very creative residents) and, along with bragging rights, some humorous prizes for the winners.
The high point was honoring the veterans. Every one of them had a special name tag they wore throughout the day, and as all their names and branch of service were called each was given a small gift. There were lots of smiling, proud faces.
Thanks to all our volunteers who organized this day. And thanks most of all to all of our veterans for their service to their country and to each of us.
Unit 42, 43 and 45 – Hallo-Wine Happenings
Ann Lange
All night long doors throughout the Preserve Pumpkin Patch (Units 42, 43, and 45) opened with the greeting, “Hallo! Wine?” To wine, or not to wine, that is the question. Candy is dandy, but wine is divine, that is the answer. Our little hamlet in the Brooke uncorks a whole lotta harem-scarem hocus-pocus on our annual Hallo-Wine Walk. Adult kids are really too big to go out begging for wrapped candy, and we don’t like it when someone steals from our stash, so we stick to liquid candy. Halloween came on Thirsty Thursday this year – just in time to grant our three witches: red, white, and rosé. This bewitching and be-wining come-as-you-aren’t party sported 19 wacky wine witches, warlocks, wizards, and whatnots, toting goblets, making the rounds at 10 hosting homes cackling various versions of “Trick or treat, smell our feet, pour us something dry or sweet.” Oh, don’t grown-up kids say the darndest things!
The Hallo-Wine herd of little hoodlums and hobgoblins cruised the beat with a little holiday havoc in mind, as they followed the map to each of the hydrating host houses. As the wineathon cart parade progressed, the little pumpkin pranksters just couldn’t keep themselves from an occasional toot or two of the horn, trying to make the black bats flap and the scaredy-cats scat, and offering nearby neighbors a free hearing test. Just doing our part for the good of the hood and having fun masquerading as our grandkids. Although it gets harder and harder to childproof ourselves, we all stayed in line; drove slowly; used, but forgot to turn off, our blinkers; and followed Rule No. 1: Safety first!
A million magnums of thanks to our haunted house hosts, who opened their homes, hearts, and wine cellars to us: Jim and Diane King; Dave and Kathleen Eaton, who served their own label, Chateau by the Sea, with generous tastings of cabernet, merlot and Syrah; Leona and Don Crawford; Cathy Rumsey, who in addition to fine wine, passed out bags of home-made oatmeal-raisin cookies; Blake and Pauline Benedict, whose decorations were so blood-curdling and bone-chilling that even the bogeyman ran; Debbie and Bill Green; Gary and Peggy Stevens; Cheryl and Gary Simpson; Marc Weisel and Sharon Sackin; and Tom and Pam Frame. Each Ghostess with the Mostess went way over the top with spook-tacular decorations and costumes, ghoulish gimmicks, liquifying hospitality, yummy nibbles, and fang-tastic fun. The cobwebs had been spun, the skeletons had boned up, the vampires had flossed, the brews that had been boiling and bubbling were now breathing, and when the doors opened with that wonderfully paired two-word greeting, we replied, “Yes, more boos please.” What a wonderful way to tour some of the newly built homes, all beautifully designed and decorated for comfortable living. We saw custom wine cellars and sewing rooms, gorgeous landscaping and pools, Southwestern décor, interesting and fun art, travel souvenirs, and traces of pre-SaddleBrooke lives. But most importantly, this was an opportunity to be with neighbors, old and new, knowing that we will all be friends until the end of wine.
A king-size pillowcase full of sweet appreciation to Larry Reich and Joyce Hagin for concocting this monstrous magical mixture of “faboolous” fun, food, and drink, and for planning and orchestrating it for three consecutive years. And an extra handful of candy corns and peanuts for their detailed attention to safety precautions and consideration for the community.
How wine flies when you’re having fun! Even though we old-ish youngsters got to stay up extra late past our bedtimes, the bewitching hour came way, way too soon. The entire night was a real treat. There was no “double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble,” but there sure was much ado about something. On a midfall night’s dream, we had a senior comedy of eras; a little taming of the brew with the Merchants of Vino; and all was well that ended well, just as we like it. Oh viscous vinaceous vat of vinery – sounds like the wine is talking again!