Unit 15 – Nani Loa Kupuna Hula Halau
Rita Fletcher
These lovely SaddleBrooke ladies danced to beautiful Hawaiian music while Unit 15 had the pleasure of being up close to see the graceful hand movements to the words. We were entertained for over half an hour. The experience gave over 30 residents in attendance a much-needed summer boost. We enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere and misters of SaddleBrooke TWO’s south patio. The drinks and food tasted even better because of the ambience, as many of us have not seen each other during the hot summer days of not getting out and about as frequently.
If your interested in having a performance for your group or learning how to hula dance, contact Glenda Fredricks at [email protected] or 520-981-1759.

Unit 17 gals are ready to scoop!
Unit 17 ice cream social
Mary Gelinas
It’s ice cream social time, right? Unit 17ers gathered at the home of Arlene Des Jardins on Sunday, July 28, to take part in their annual ice cream social. Arlene does a wonderful job of combining tasty baked goods, fruit and toppings for many flavors of ice cream. If we gave out Golden Scoop Awards, she’d be sure to get one! A special treat was homemade ice cream by Elissa Cochran.
Again, it was great to see new faces at the party – new unit owners get lots of good information about SaddleBrooke life. But it is sad to see long-time owners move on to other places, and we wish them well in their new locations and endeavors.
And the socializing goes on. On Aug. 31, Elissa and Chis Cochran will host the next hors d’oeuvres party. Then, it’s time to start thinking about the Halloween & pizza party on Oct. 30, at the HOA#1 activity center. Watch for emails with further details

A few of the pancake breakfast volunteers take a break to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Unit 21 – Pancakes anyone?
Jim Hagedon
There are a lot of family traditions for celebrating our nation’s birthday, and our Unit 21 family has a celebration that dates back many years. What better way to start off the day than with a pancake breakfast at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center? The breakfast included sausage, with fresh fruit and a bloody Mary to make the morning meal healthy!
Thanks to advanced planning by Diane Korn and the “Day Of” coordination by Ron Morris, the event went off without a hitch. Volunteers are always key to a flawless activity, and the breakfast would not have been possible without a small army of Unit 21’ers who pitched in to help.
Part of the Unit 21 tradition is the competition for the much-sought-after job of “Pancake Flipper,” which has definitely been a “guy thing” for many years. The never-ending supply of piping hot griddle cakes was a good indication they did the job well!
It’s a pretty safe bet that no one went away hungry. The odds are pretty good that there will be a lot of Unit 21 residents returning for an encore performance next year!